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Southern Galactic Merchants :: Extra Security (p2)

Posted on Wed May 26th, 2021 @ 8:23pm by Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: A Day in the Life
Location: Starbase / Lower Decks

Samanthia walked quietly through The Dive, looking over the patrons for a few Marines and Fleet Security that liked to hang out here and drink the real alcohol beverages on tab, accruing major debt with the establishment. She turned towards the door as a few Marines entered and made their way to their favorite table in corner. She moved gracefully to her spot on at the bar and motioned the waitress that worked the floor and other places when they could get coverage from the other waitresses.

"Yes, Miss Samanthia?" The Waitress came over in response to Samanthia's summons. She looked worried as this could cause her job and connections with her little side business with favored customers.

"See those Marines that just came in?" Samanthia tilted her head in their direction. Seeing the waitress nod. "Have them come see me. Pass the word that they will not get any drinks till they come and see me."

Samanthia sat at the bar counter where she could intercept waitresses coming to fill their customers orders. As the waitresses approached to the bar, She wave them over to her. "Those Marines are not to get any drinks till they see me. My orders if they don't like it."

A loud yell of anger came from the Marines. One Marine stood up and stomped angerly towards her. Fuming at not being able to get a drink. "Whats the meaning of this, Miss?" He sneered at her as he moved into his most intimidating pose and hard scowl, glaring at her. "When I order a drink, I expect it to be delivered. Not having to come see you."

"Sergeant Mallory." Samanthia smiled not at all intimidated. "You owe quite a bar tab. And it seams that someone failed to report it so I could receive payment for what you've consumed."

"Federation Marines, Fleeters, and citizens dont have to pay for stuff. We did away with currency a long time ago. And this is a Star Fleet Starbase." Marine not backing down a bit. Only to lean closer to threadedly invade Samanthia's space.

"Not all of the galaxy have done away with currency and this is one of those places where currency is needed. I suppose that Marines are not going to pay your bar tab that you have accumulated?" Samanthia spoke softly. Gave a slight wrinkling of her nose as his unpleasant breath.

"Thats the price of doing business on a Starbase, Miss." He triumphantly announced, Standing up to his full height.

"I guess you and your buddy will have to be served replicator drinks from now on." Samanthia relaxed back in her seat with a bored look on her face.

"You'll serve me what you serve everyone else here." Mallory leaned towards her again. "Or I'll report all the illegal activities going on here and have this place shut down for good!"

"And we'll see how long you will remain a live." Samanthia spoke softly. "But enough of this posturing and threatening this place." She looked at the Mallory in the eyes. "I have a proposition for you and your drinking buddies that owe me hard currency for your debt with this place."

Sergeant Mallory was puzzled as she didn't flinch nor cower against intimidation act towards her. Did she have an 'ace' that could gotten him into way deeper trouble than what he could bring down on her. "What's this proposition you have?" Taking a nearby barstool to show he was willing to listen.

"Moonlighting as security for a gig that Elder Raphael Akiashiro is hosting. Work along with Akiashiro Security and I'll see about reducing your bar tab. Exchange a few hours when you're off duty."

Sergeant Mallory looked thoughtful as he eyed the imported drinks from all across the galaxy. Predominant was a lot Galactic South beverages that were just as good. There was a few that were his favorites.

"When does this Gig start?" Sgt Mallory knew it was good thing to do. Specially with his heavy drinking and the Marines frown on their soldiers indebt to outsiders as it could results in breech of security. "I'll talk to my buddies and I'll get back to you."

Samanthia nodded as she watch him stand up and head back to his table to talk with his buddies. She looked around the place as Zeb approached her. "When are we gonna make the jump?" He spoke softly. "I've the booze already to be moved on notice as you have asked."

"Within the next 24 hours." Samanthia looked at him. "A real sweet deal, even though it will be farther down the stem." She took her favorite drink from one of waitresses. "Music can be loud as anyone can stand it. Possibility of expansion if needed."

Zeb nodded. "Will we have to contend with Security like we have to do here?" Looking towards the door as two man team of Fleet Security entered the establishment for a quick peek-in. Waitress approached them offering them hot coffee and a donut with candy sprinkles on it.

"If it gets too bad that Akiashiro Security can't handle it. We're in big trouble, Zeb." Samanthia eyes roamed the patrons as it was shaping up to be a very busy night. He nodded absentmindedly to her comment.

"Looks like your Marine friend wants to talk with you." Zeb glided away to resume serving drinks with his usual pizzazz.

Samanthia inwardly smiled as she knew she had won this round. She took a sip of her drink as Mallory took the same barstool as before. "What does the job entail?" He spoke as soon as he was settled.

"Mainly keeping the peace. Manning a checkpoint to prevent unauthorize entrance. Following orders of the Akiashiro Team Leader." Samanthia spoke, already eyeing several Fleet Security that was getting the same treatment as the Marines. She looked back at Mallory.

"We can do that. How much will this reduce our tab?" Mallory warming up to the negotiation.

"When the event is over with, your tab will be paid in full. Those show up everytime they're scheduled to work a shift." Samanthia gave a shrug. "But every shift you work, reduces the tab you owe."

"What happens if we get called out or some unseen incident beyond our control. After all, we're Marines first and foremost. We still get the full removal of the tab?" Mallory was looking any edge he could get.

"Well... If Marine duty prevents you from working a shift. You'll still owe on your bar tab. Tab get reduced every time you show up for a security shift." Samanthia looked him in the eyes.

Mallory leaned on the bar in serious thought. "Ok, you got a deal Miss Akiashiro." He eyed the drinks behind the bar. "will it be possible to get a Mayze Liquor 4?"

Samanthia nodded her approval to zeb and the waitresses that they could resume serving the four Marines for the night. After that they would be pulling shifts. She took a sip of her drink as the Marine was replaced by the angry Security Officers about not being served the real stuff. She held up a hand to forestall their complaint and threats. "Here's the deal. Here is a chance to work your bar tab off."

"What? Serve drinks here? Wash dishes?" A bold Security Officer sneered, the took a breath to lay down the law.

"No. Doing Security work for Elder Akiashiro, during his event he's hosting here." Samanthia spoke up when he took his breath.

"We already have security shifts we already do. Why would we want to do it on our off-time?" Another spoke up, showing a bit of curiosity.

"To reduce your bar tabs. And to be able to drink imported stuff, instead of the replicated stuff." Samanthia let a very small smile escape to her lips. She knew she had another set of Security teams to lessen the burden of overworking Akiashiro Security. Just needed to go through with the song dance routine.

"How will the work?" One that spoke sat on the bar stool, interested on what type of deal they would be getting.

"Every shift you do during Elder Akiashiro's Event, reduces the bar tab you guys owe me." Samanthia spoke simply, then took a drink of her drink.

"Will we be able to work together?" The Self Appointed Negotiator spoke.

"You be teamed up with an Akiashiro Security Team." Samanthia spoke focusing her attention on the guy. "Not in charge of any team as we already have our lead men chosen."

Another blurted in, "If we decide not to do this? Will we still be able to drink here."

"Only replicated stuff. That's free. Not the imported stuff. Pay as you go with hard currency. Plus you would still owe on your bar tab already. Annnd... I'll be submitting a voucher to Fleet Security to pay off your bar tab. But only drink you'll get here is from the replicator. Lucky you, its self-serve." Samanthia gave the Security Officer a cheeky smile.

A bit of grumbling amongst themselves as they discussed the situation.


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