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Southern Galactic Merchants :: Gathering (p3)

Posted on Sun Jun 6th, 2021 @ 11:23pm by Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: A Day in the Life
Location: Starbase / Lower Deck

Once everything was set up, schedules arranged, Raphael sent out word that everything was ready for the Gathering of the Merchants. Meetings rooms were ready with their attendants and refreshments suitable to all species dietary needs. Security beefed up with off duty Fleet Security and Marines. Even the entertainment was available to partake in for those that didn't bring their mates or their own.

Only wrinkle to the whole operation was the 'Dive', but it had the real imported drinks from across the Galactic South. The region that Starbase 332 Federation Presence and a viable force and protection those that are aligned with Federation of Planets that Starfleet protected by agreements and mere presence so that Galactic Trade could flourish.

Raphael smiled as he would Chair majority of the meetings. He hoped that there wouldn't be any spill-over from the unruly patrons of 'The Dive' when they got over zealous in their brawling and unsavory actions. He knew that some of these top merchants from their respective regions, liked to walk on the wild side with their hidden henchmen for protection. But the unruly side of the station could get down right vicious and the nexus point was the 'The Dive' ran by his daughter-n-law. She had Fleet experience and more exposure to run such a place.

He looked up as his personal assistant entered his office. "Mayan Merchant Consortium Leader is here, a long with the Syoian Lizard Hegemony." She spoke blocking the doorway to his office as if it would keep the Syoian out as he loomed over her.

Raphael stood up from behind his desk. "Let the esteemed gentle lizard in," Watching as she turned and nearly ran into the big Bipedal Lizard. Exchanging of glares between them as she stepped out of the way.

"Sssslicksss." Raphael motioned for the Sssslicksss to take a squat as none of the chairs would accommodate is tail or stature. "Get comfortable." Raphael deliberately turned his back on the Ssslicksss, moving over to the bar. "Wine of the Virgin. Shipped in through the usual means."

"Isssh hope its served at 96 degrees? Its most vibrant at that temperature," Came the translation from the UT that Sssslicksss wore amidst his gaudy jewelry and morbid accruements of various bones of prey he had successfully brought down himself.

"How could I ever forget that." Raphael hid the grimace behind a stern look as he pulled out the bottle of the desired drink. It was warm to touch, yet the container was designed to keep the liquid content fresh. "RY 2190," Holding out the container with the label visible.

Sssslicksss eyes squinted as he read the Reptilian script on the container. "A very good year. Three very successful raids on Ritorian Patrols. I believe the contents were from the female of their species." The big Lizard eyes squinted even more to continue to read the finer script on the bottle. "Hhhhhhhhhssssssssss" Came the drawn out his of anticipated pleasure of drinking the content. "A Very rare find. All feminine content."

Eyes widened from the squint to look at Raphael, Sssslicksss bobbed his head as his forked tongue darted out. "You honor me with such gift!" Popping the already loosened cork and flicking his tongue over the moistened cork stopper bottom which has the thick liquid forming a drop.

Raphael let Sssslicksss enjoy the moment as he turned away and moved back to stand by his desk. "I hope the accommodations to your liking?" He ignored the slurping coming from Sssslicksss.

"They will do. Considering the way heavy moisture ruins your metal walls. I'll have to send you some wall moss to help with that problem." Again the head bobbed as Sssslicksss secured the his drink in one of the many pouched that dangled of one of the many belts that criss-crossed his body.

Raphael looked thoughtful, mentally kicking himself as he totally forgot about the moss. "I can have some placed in your assigned quarters. We need to be sharp otherwise it would be unworthy of a victory over a distracted opponent." Even though Lizards took every advantage they could get over their intended target, whether The Hunt or In Trade.

"No bother, I've brought my own." Sssslicksss waved a hand in dismissal. "Yours is probably insect infested." He was referring to metallic type for listening upon others type.

Raphel just gave a shrug of his shoulders. "I'd love to chat more, I've to meet with others." Dismissing the Lizard Merchant.

Taking the dismissal in stride, Sssslick departed the office to allow others to pay their respect to Elder Akiashiro.


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