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Southern Galactic Merchants :: Unwanted Interruption (p4)

Posted on Fri Jun 11th, 2021 @ 2:09am by Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: A Day in the Life

Raphael moved through the warrens of meeting rooms, lounging areas so that Merchants that weren't in meetings could lounge about and relax. His eyes darted over the area as he made his way, taking in the details and what was available. An occasional shout came from the direction of the area that was designated 'The Dive' ran by his Daughter-n-law. He wished he had half the energy she had as she ran two establishments, raising a daughter and keeping her husband happy with wifely duties. Even though her mate was fleet and busy running his own department within Fleet.

When a loud ruckus emanated from the direction of the Dive, merchants would look up a bit worried if the ruckus would overspill from The Dive into the more peaceful section of the vast complex within the warehouse. Some would look up with anticipation of the upcoming violence of remembered youth. Others just glared and shook their head and went back to doing what they was doing before the interruption. Raphael mentally shook his head while remaining a very stoic expression, as he wondered about his sanity when he allowed 'The Dive' to cater to the Merchant Gathering. He wanted it to be a very good success as it will raise his status amongst his merchant peers.

Raphael looked over the assembled Merchant Kings, noticing several were missing. He politely excused himself to see if they were okay. He was drawn to the Dive as another wave of loud sound rolled from that direction. Entering the establishment, he came to a dead stop, eyes wide at the carnage. Off Duty Fleeters, Cargo Handlers, Technicians bodies lay scattered all over the place in a bloody mess. Sssslicksss stood eyes gleaming in delight being blood soaked. His gleaming white sharp teeth red and various colors of the different species.

"Raph ol boy! I'll remember this Merchant Gathering till they plant me under!" Sssslicksss stomped out, leaving a trail of bloody footprints.

Raphael nodded acknowledgement to the big bipedal lizard as he walked by him. Seeing a few of the other missing Merchant remains mixed in with the other patrons. ~~ Oh this aint going to be pretty! Losing Fleeters... ~~ Though coursed through his mind.

Voices of those that survived as they extracted themselves from their choice of refuge, discussing the merits of the fight, repercussion, and saying bye to a favored establishment where you could let off steam, sank in past the fog of shock. Raphael now knew why The Dive always changed locations through out the stem of the Starbase.

He looked around for Samanthia as he moved carefully towards the offices and storage area of the place. Seeing Zeb busy with a few of the employees of the place. He paused to listen. ".... end to transport these bodies else where." Seeing Raphael approaching the group. He turned to Raphael. "If you're wondering about Samanthia. She's not here. Probably at her Lounge up on the Promenade."

He nodded, wondering how he can cover this up. At least there was no energy discharges from weapon. He shook his head as he turned and left. "It's in your hands on how to deal with this, Zeb. Just don't let it bite me in the arse!"

He heard the laughter as the door behind him shut. He walked back to the meeting, getting himself back in control. He was going to have some serious words with her, regardless that she's married to a 600 pound walking jungle cat that's a Marine. He didn't mind her having the 'The Dive', but this was pushing the limits of his patience.

He finished thanking his ancestors that it was all physical and nothing registered on the sensors as he walked back into the meeting. He felt the eyes upon him as silence fell amongst the assembled group of Merchant Kings and Queens of the Sector.

"One of our esteemed colleges been in a physical altercation that ended in bloodshed. It would be advisable to end the conference and schedule next years event. I hope we can keep prices the same till the next scheduled meeting. I know it would be at a loss in the bottom line of our consortiums. But on the positive side, It'll drive those trying to muscle in to look for greener fields." Raphael came to a stop where everyone present could see him. He scanned the gathered, seeing their studied expressions as they gave thought to what he said. Some gave their acceptance to the suggestion by Raphael. It was a solid and it kept the 'Outsiders' from forming their own contacts within South Galactic region.

Raphael gave his agreement when the majority agreed with him. Rest would fall inline soon enough if they wanted to keep their status as Kings and Queens of the Consortium.


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