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Reporting into Medical

Posted on Sat Sep 10th, 2011 @ 12:27pm by Lieutenant Commander Melissa Daniels M.D.
Edited on on Sat Sep 10th, 2011 @ 12:28pm

Mission: The Pak'Leth Problem
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD:1, 1500 Hours


Sam entered the starbase's medical facility. So far, she'd met with the XO, and various support personnel, and the station staff seemed pleasant enough - or maybe they just wanted to appear pleasant, in light of her job as Chief Intelligence Officer.

Either way, the Marine knew that SOP was for her to report into the CMO within 24 hours of arrival. Standing in the middle of the empty bay, she looked around, frowning at the lack of activity. Was it always this quiet? "Hello?" She called out, hoping at least someone was in.

A woman walked in while huming a cheerful tone. "Good Afternoon, What can I do for you today?" She asked.

"I'm here for my initial physical." Sam explained. "I just transferred in to the Starbase today. So, I dropped by to get logged in with the CMO."

"Certainly, please be seated on the biobed and I'll be right with you." Melissa stated.

Sliding up onto the bed, Sam got herself comfortable. She had skimmed the roster, well enough to know roughly who was who, but the details were still sketchy. The pitfalls of having to take in too much data.

Melissa retrieved a Medical PADD, and a Tricorder, and returned to Samantha's side. "Well now, lets see..." She began to read the medical history. "Hmm... Have you ever had symptoms associated with Cardassian Degenerative Syndrome?" Some Dominion War Vets came home with some nasty stuff that left their marks.

With a smile, Sam shook her head. "Nope, nothing like that. I have been in Intelligence for all of my career. Staff Corps, never in combat." At least not the kind of combat during the war, at any rate.

"Hmm.. The standard Marine Corps Fitness evaluation checks out. But I'd like to run a few tests. I think we both know how much nasty stuff that managed to be reintroduced into the Federation when the War ended."

"And how much Starfleet loves its paperwork." Sam commented in return. "Sometimes, I wonder if they make us do half the stuff we have to, just generate forms and files."

Melissa grinned, "Not to mention the fact that Starfleet demands even my physical annually. Doctors make the worst patients."

"So do most Marines." Sam herself rarely went to a doctor unless she had to. The only reason she was in Sickbay as it was, was because the only other option was to wait, and make the woman come to her. "So how are my scans?"

Melissa spoke, "You're in good shape, though I do recommend a little more protein in your diet. If you don't like too much meat in your diet, then I recommend something with beans in it. Other than that, you're clear for duty, though I would like to see you again for the tests I mentioned. You were in Cardassian space, as I was, and the Cardassians never put a lot of effort into disease control. I've seen vets come back with things that could lay dormant for years."

"Understood. I'll be here." She didn't want to make an enemy of the CMO of all people, especially on the first day of a new assignment. "Just send me a memo with the date, and I'll make myself available. A pleasure." Sliding off the bed, Sam held her hand out.

"And it's good to meet you Captain. If you need me for anything, I'll be here. I even do housecalls." She said with a smile. "Oh... and this is for you." She produced a lolypop.

Taking it with a raised eyebrow, the marine wasn't sure what to make of this woman. "Thank you... I think." With a nod, she left Sickbay, wondering just what sort of a place this was, and if she needed to get out quickly.

Melissa smirked, "I guess she doesn't like Hospitals. Oh well, who else can I torment with a Physical today?"


Marine Captain Samantha Tennant
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase 332

Dr. Melissa Daniels MD
Chief Medical Officer
Starbase 332


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