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14th Marines Assemble, Officers Call

Posted on Wed Mar 28th, 2012 @ 2:15pm by Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Gifford

Mission: The Mystery Men of Mira
Location: Cestus III, Marine HQ breifing Room

The introductions complete, Major Gifford had assembled the 14th battalion company officers in the Marine headquarters briefing room. Also present were the battalion communications officer and marine Surgeon. The lights dimmed and a hologram image of the Archanis sector appeared. Gifford walked around the briefing room slowly as he began his briefing.

"Gentlemen, this is the Archanis system. Our new area of operations. This sector is the location of our new home. Star Base 332, more on that later. As you know from fleet intel sources the Ritorans think they own this area and have be active in it for quite some time. Some of you are familiar with the Rit's. For the benefit of our newer officers intel has been sent to your padds informing you on what fleet knows about them. Lets be sure our Marines know the score. The Ritorians are well armed, Possess fleet vessels up to Battle Cruiser size and have cloaking abilities. They actively deploy pulse and gravitational mines. Ritorian infantryman is called a Groundsman. There level of training is unknown but should be assumed to be just as good as ours. They have and organized Army." Gifford let it sink in.

"Lets just put it simply, what they don't have they can buy from our wonderful friends the Feringi."

The image changed to a high definition view of Star base 332.

"This is Threshold, the planet in the background is Archa Four. A very nice resort planet. Our mission is to defend this sector. We also have some other unsavory visitors, the Vinarian syndicate. Yes their here and mostly up to their old game of kidnapping and taking hostages. It is my guess we will be stomping these guys at every opportunity."

"Now lets talk about the Battalion. Our mission here is not to conduct training runs. This sector will be active. And so will we. As company Commanders you will be scheduled for deployment with your companies as directed by the Commanding officer of 332. Your Marines will be above reproach at all times and you are personally responsible for their conduct. If you have issues taking orders from Fleet officers you haven't been watching the news lately. I will have no problems with these people whatsoever."

Jon pointed to Tully Dunmore standing by the door.

"That scary Sergeant Major is Tully Dunmore. He is not your trainer or your mentor. He's not even likely to speak with you. He works for me and the Marines of this battalion. If he happens to suggest something to you I would take his sage advise and get it done quickly before I find out about it."

"On a lighter note, take time off, your commanders, select your NCO's to get the work done. Ensure your men are ready for any situation. That means giving them time off to have a life. The Marines you select for advanced training won't have to wait years for a slot, I'm going to send them as soon as there selected. Our equipment is new and men inexperienced. We need to turn that around as soon as possible."

"Be patient with your Platoon Officers, they get enough grief as it is. I have an open door policy, that means I'll listen, but not to your whining. I'm done for today. Review your information and get ready for departure. Myself and the Sergeant Major will be moving forward to the Star base. I look forward to greeting you on your arrival."

Gifford left the briefing room. He left behind a grinning Sergeant Major... or was he snarling?


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