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Avoiding The Climb

Posted on Sun Mar 9th, 2014 @ 8:36am by Lieutenant JG Allison Price & Commander Jordan Gunning & Lieutenant Augustus Deakin
Edited on on Mon Mar 10th, 2014 @ 11:25am

Mission: Fate of the Angels
Location: Interior [USS Seraphim]


"Okay, give me a hand with this." Gunning grunted as he braced his back against the wall and shoved door against the baking sand with his foot. The metal of the door was searing through the bottom of his boots but his wrist-light showed a corridor beyond the door, devoid of sand.

Whatever the room had been was now lost to history. Any interiors it may have had must have been blasted into space when the ship's fate was sealed. If he had to guess, Gunning would have said it was a set of quarters but the damage was too widespread to tell.

The heat was stifling and he was quickly exhausted by the exertion of getting the door open. "Right, go. Go!" He shouted at the others as they shimmied through the door as he braced it open. As soon as Deakin's foot disappeared into the corridor he dropped through the door which was immediately shut by the force of the sand.

"I suppose we'll figure a way out of here if we don't suffocate first." He said drolly.

The air was stale, thin and peppered with a metallic taste that left Gus wishing he'd brought a toothbrush. He stood in the dark, tilted corridor with his left foot on the deck and his right supporting himself on the bulkhead. The entire ship was tilted about fifty degrees to port, which was going to make getting around inside really annoying. While the others clicked on their lights, Gus flipped open his tricorder and took some readings. "The air should hold out for us, as long as we don't do anything too strenuous like, say, climbing a Jefferies Tube all the way up to the bridge. I suggest we head for Engineering and see what we can find there."

Allie's eyes lit up, at least as much as they could in the darkness. She was in a real Constitution class starship, pre-refit, something that she had only seen on the holodeck. The thought of exploring the engine room, even in its crashed state, was like a dream come true. Of course, there was still the larger issue of what happened to the ship. She switched on her palm beacon and looked around. The odd angle left the corridors askew, which made the situation all the more unsettling. There was little sign of scorching along the walls, the the bulkheads had buckled in a few locations. The bright colors that dominated Starfleet interior design at the time had mostly faded and peeled away, as was evident by the flakes that had gathered on the floor. The fact that the Seraphim was still this intact after a century of exposure on this forsaken world was a testament to Starfleet engineering.

"Agreed. We might be able to get some kind of power on." Jordan replied, noting the spartan ladders in one of the recesses. "I don't much fancy the climb."

Allie shined her light around the corridor, trying to make out some signage to tell them what deck they were on. She could see the remnants of a two, but that was it. "Main engineering is on Deck 19. We are somewhere below that. If I was to wager a guess, I would say probably Deck 21. It won't be that bad of a climb to get there. What would be bad is getting to the bridge. Even if we can restore some power, I don't know if I would trust the turbolifts."

"Provided we're able to activate the black box, we should be fine." Gunning gazed idly around corridor realising that he hadn't considered one vital detail. "Where exactly would we find that?"

Gus scratched the back of his neck as he thought about that. He had to admit, he didn't know for certain, but he could make an educated guess. "The primary flight recorder will be in the main computer core," he guessed. That was where it was found on modern ships, why wouldn't they do the same a hundred and thirty years ago? "But, there should also be a redundant system in the engineering computer core. It will have the same data as the primary, unless there was some catastrophe." He realised what he said, then quickly added, "You know, other than crashing into a planet ..."

"Yeah." Gunning caught Deakin's quizzical look in the light of his palm light. "Well let's give engineering a go, eh? If we need to do any climbing, we can send the Lieutenant here up first."


Commander Jordan Gunning
Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Lieutenant Augustus Deakin
Chief Operations Officer

Marine Captain Vahn Drayel (NPC: Vendenje)
Fox Company Commander

Ensign Allison Price (NPC: Von)
Engineering Officer


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