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Extent of the Charges

Posted on Mon Aug 11th, 2014 @ 9:29am by Captain Liarra Von & Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: Insecurities
Location: Security Offices

The starbase JAG officer wasn't pleased at the situation, when the reports flowed across his desk. Thinking this would be an open and shut case. It looked promising to add to the case against the Akiashiro's. Maybe even to the point to getting them deported. Freeing up Deck 1403 which they had a strangle hold on down in the stem of the station. They had been a thorn in the side of Starfleet even before Captain Gunning was in charge of the station. He read through the various reports, getting paler by the second as the anger rose within him. "Fighting in the Cargo Bay? Phaser drawn?!!" He muttered, throwing the report on his desk and helping himself to a shot of "Medicinal Bourbon" he kept in a locked drawer in his desk. By the time he finished reading everything on this case. He exploded in a flurry of action. He called down setting up a private meeting wit the Akiashiro's Lawyer that was representing Samanthia. He told his secretary, he was stepping out to take care of business, taking the file with him that contained Security's point of view, Sivity's report on the incident and what ever security recording he could get his hands on.

JAG Lawyer left the office and moved through the station to his rendezvous with the Akiashiro's Lawyer for a private talk. They met at the section that held conference rooms that caters to the Senior Officers, V.I.P Civilians, diplomats, ambassadors. getting a quiet private conference room, got down to business of discussing the Cargo Bay Incident. After hours of arguing, haggling, drinking, eating snacks, wheelding and threatening each other, finally came to an agreement.

Jag Lawyer shoved all the records and vid tapes into his briefcase as the Akiashiro did the same. Once that was done, they shook hands and left the conference room well used and the table cluttered with scribbles, drawings, empty used plates and glasses for some unlucky person to clean up.

JAG Lawyer headed down to the Security Offices, not very pleased with the Security Department. With the Head of the Security Department out on assignment investigating security breech on Archa IV, That left Harper. Lawyer entered the Security Offices looking around at the Security Officers and Enlisted looking at him and recognizing him as JAG. He spoke, "I'd like to see, Mr. Harper." Sounding very displeased that he had to come down here from his lofty tower of his offices.

Hearing the commotion outside, Lieutenant Harper puts aside the report on the Promenade pickpockets he was writing to head out onto the main floor of the security offices. He was lucky enough to have his own office, but when JAG officials came knocking and wanting answers, there were few places to hide.

"Mr. Cress," Warren Harper said with half a smile as stepped out to meet the attorney. The JAG department did act as attorneys for Starfleet and the Federation, and were therefore supposed to be on the same side. But any time that a member of the police was involved in a crime, things became complicated. "Would you like to step into my office?"

Mr. Cress nodded and followed Lieutenant Harper into his office. "One of your Security Officers just screwed the pooch, Lieutenant," Without the polite small talk one does on greetings. "Phasers and fighting with Civilians outside the controlled environment of a Gym and under supervision of weapons qualifications or under orders from a superior. Or self defense and protection of another." blurted out even before the door closed behind him upon clearing the doorway into Harper's Office.

"Believe me, I know she screwed up. I tried to explain that to her, but she wouldn't listen. She didn't seem to care that she could be going to prison."

Reminding Harper of the Security's Job. Mr. Cress paused briefly to take a seat without invite to show the severity of the situation. But of course being polite not to take Lieutenant's seat behind his desk, flopping his briefcase on the work cluttered desk. "Fortunately my counterpart over on the civilian side of things, could be persuaded to have a private conference before this ended up in a three ring circus in court." The big pause to let what he said to sink in and let Mr. Harper think a bit before jumping into the fire from the more safer frying pan.

Harper took his seat on the far side of the desk. He was a little irritated that Cress was just making himself at home, but it wasn't the first time. Fortunately, this was probably the most difficult topic they've had to face. "What's her counsel proposing?"

"Wants a full flag court martial," Mr Cress pointed upwards to signify that Ensign Dar-Barriun's career is shot. "And Miss Akiashiro's smuggling charges dropped for illegal seizure and search."

Harper tries to interrupt the attorney. "You and I both know that there was nothing illegal about that search and seizure. Anything coming into the station is subject to inspections."

Holding up two fingers. "If this comes to that. It'll still play into the Akiashiro's hands as the rumors to be that there are ships in orbit are loaded with Refugees coming to the station. Just when Security will need every Security Officer it can their hands on. So being the slick lawyer I am, we cut a deal. We just keep the Refugees off Akiashiro Deck, 1403. Drop the smuggling charges against Miss Akiashiro. No fines.. She walks free. Ensign Dar-Barriun... I'd say transfer her, but it's too late in the game for that. So we're stuck with her. My recommendation is either full weeks suspension, or confined to the office to free up one who can toe the line out there." pointing towards the exit. "That is your call. Lieutenant Harper." He stood up, snagging his briefcase off Harper's desk. Lucky nothing was knocked off. "It's a good thing the Base Commander is off station. Drinks at Warp-12, later?"

Warren was afraid that just taking her out of the field and leaving her in the office for a while wouldn't be enough. She might not learn her lesson. But he could think about that later. He nodded towards Cress. "Sure, that sounds good."

Mr. Cress stood up and smiled. "At least we saved the reputation of the Security Department. Just her keep away from weapons for awhile till this blows over. Maybe put her on a riot squad or something. Have a good day, Lieutenant." He looks at the time. "You can release Akiashiro and Dar-Barriun in the morning since it late." With that he took off with a wave, leaving Lieutenant alone with his thoughts.

As Cress walked away, Warren let out a deep sigh. They had been trying to nail Akiashiro for smuggling for years, but she always managed to slip away. They finally had her, caught her red-handed, but thanks to Ensign Dar-Barriun for botching the attempt, now they had nothing.

James Cress [NPC by S. Akishiro]
Assistant District Attorney
Starbase 332

Warren Harper [NPC by Liarra Von]
Security Officer
Starbase 332


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