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Long Night...

Posted on Wed Aug 20th, 2014 @ 10:54am by Samanthia Akiashiro
Edited on on Wed Aug 20th, 2014 @ 11:12am

Mission: Insecurities
Location: SB-332 : Dentention Center

Samanthia tossed and turned, woke up, paced and grumbled as she tried to make the over abused mattress into something comfortable enough to get some sleep. Yet to wake a few moments later to toss and turn as mattress goes flat again. It seamed that they make these mattress to be a subtle torture devices while being incarcerated.

Her lawyer had never returned since the private talk wit her and wonders what the hell was going on. She was definitely going to raise hell with Elder Akiashiro when she saw him again. She scowled as time slowly trickled by or did it stop?

Everyone once in awhile she would look across the hallway and see Sivity looking peaceful in her state of mediative trance and wish she could achieve such a state. She would roll over and face the wall, wishing the dang lights would stop getting brighter by the second even though they remained at the same level of intensity...


...Hot sun shone down upon her as she drifted, in a doze. Succumbing to the gentle rising and falling of ocean swells. all around her, seeing nothing but horizon. She made the mistake of going out to far to claim the good waves, but in her wait, she had fallen asleep and drifted with the currents farther away from the home island.

Off in the distant, she could see the occasional smudge of ship exhaust rising just above the horizon. The occasional vapor trail being formed by a passing aircraft. Just a tiny dart of silver flashing in the sky before disappearing into blaze of the sun that passed for the sky.

Minutes turned into hours as seconds turned into minutes, waiting till she would be missed by friends and family. And then the search would come and rescued from this prison that sat between water and air.

Once again she dozed off after a cooling dip into the water...."Miss Akiashiro!"... "Miss..."

"She's not here! I'm only one here. Coming to..." Looking around to be disappointed to see nothing but water. But the voice persisted, "Miss Akiashiro" ... Wishing the voice would either get her name correct or just go away. Maybe she was having one of those visions that the Natives were always talking about.... "Miss Sam.."

"anthia! wake up!" The Masculine voice woke her with a start. "I've your release here."

Samanthia sat up full of kinks and her once neatly brushed and styled hair was now a mess. Her light make-up was slightly smeared. Looking very disrespectful. Looked at her lawyer smiling at her. wishing she was back stranded on the surfboard. "What release?"

"I've gotten the charges dropped. You're released from here." He pointed out the containing field ring had been turned off.

Samanthia squealed in delight, getting up, grabbing her wrinkled jacket, slipping into her shoes. Left the cell with her lawyer, trying to fix her hair to something more respectful. Pausing at the Security Desk, picked up her stuff that they confiscated from her. "Thanks," doing a quick fix-it job on her mascara with the little compact she carries with her. "We gotta do something about those bed in there. They are like gym mats."

"Don't worry..It'll be a long time for you to enjoy them comforts again." Lawyer gave a soft chuckle, signing the last of the release forms. "Got everything?"

"Yeah," Samanthia signed off saying that she gotten everything back that they took from her. Both headed out from the Detention Center together, talking about other things....


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