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Sleepers Sleep or Awaking? [prt 2]

Posted on Fri Aug 29th, 2014 @ 4:18am by Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Thieves
Location: SB-332

Samanthia moved on up to the main Promenade level of the station, wearing loose military style cargo pants, sandals and loose oversized white t-shirt with "Amature South Hawaii Surf Team. S.M. IIawah" printed on a wave curling. Her hair tied back into a ponytail.

She moved through the level, pausing at several places. A bench near some potted plants that added a bit of privacy, yet public. She reached casually below the seat and felt for the marker that would lead her to a more secluded area for the pick-up of the real message. As she slouched in the seat, she felt around for the ribbon.

There was nothing under the seat except old dried abc gum stuck to the underside of the seat. She got up and moved on as if rested from a break of scurrying around shopping. She moved on to the next. A cafe that was popular amongst the younger generation, but still served to the elder generation that still frequent the place.

The table that was designated as one of the marker places was occupied by other patrons having a good time. She sat at an empty table and relaxed, having a milkshake that this place was famous for. She tried to get one of the cooks to transfer over to her lounge, but failed as this was a family ran business into the third generation as her lounge was. But each propieter had changed the name to something different as she did.

She watched people and various people pass by on the promenade going about their business. Once the table was unoccupied, Samanthia moved over to the table and sat. She leaned forward, resting one elbow on the table to rest her chin in the palm of her hand as the other felt beneath the table for the signal. It was there. She removed it and pocketed it.

After she finished off her drink, She got up and left the cafe, moving onto the next part of the pick up. She moved with a lazy purpose to make sure she wasn't being followed or anyone paying undo attention to her. At the next stop on a split level between the two decks of the Promenade was several screening plants that surrounded the level as it was a place with benches for people to rest between decks. She took the fourth bench at the end and flopped down comfortably. She watched those that passed by and those that was resting on the other benches.

Reaching down under the edge of the bench, she felt the key taped to the underside of her seat. Kicking her feet out before her and wiggling her toes, She removed the key and tape with it as much as she could in one simple maneuver. She sat there sliding her hands into her pockets along with the key asshe relaxed.

"Hey Sammy!" An ol friend on the station, sat next to her. "I see you survived your forced stay someplace else other than apartment."

Samanthia smiled at her old friend, "You know how it goes sometimes, Harold. How's Fleet treating you?"

"Samo samo!" He chuckled, "The usual ebb and flow of paperwork, or I should say, information across the screen?" Harold spoke with a chuckle. "I'm surprised that I still have my sight and not wearing glasses." He looked her over, "Have you found anyone to latch onto?"

"You volunteering?" Samanthia spoke with a smile at him.

"My wife woul hang me by my..." Harold clears his throat, smiling, "But I'll keep you in mind." Patting her gently on her shoulder. "What brings you out to this portion of the station?"

"Errands and more errands." Samanthia spoke softly, taking note of his wife approaching from the upper deck, coming down the connecting stairs.

"I know the feeling," Harold spoke also spotting his wife approaching. "I better put some distance between us." He chuckled, knowing there was alerady enough room between them

"I must be off," Samanthia stood up, giving Harold a wave good-bye. "Come by the lounge and bring your wife along."

"I will," He stood up putting his arm around his wife shoulders when she came to a stop next to him.

Samanthia moved on up the stairs to the upper level and moved to the prearranged locker that travellers used when passing through. She entered the lockers and moved through them to the desired one. She unlocked it and opened it up. Pulling out the data-padd and sticking it in her pocket, She closed the locker and left. Leaving the key in the slot for the next user....


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