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Business, Urgent Business

Posted on Thu Oct 8th, 2015 @ 3:12pm by Colonel S'er'in'e & Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: By Dawn's Early Light
Location: Deck 1403 : Samanthia's Apartment
Timeline: Morning : 06:54

Samanthia sat at the table with the news on to catch up on what was happening around the galaxy, sector and finally the Star Base itself. She looked at the screen when the screen went momentary blank, then newsprint appeared. "mmmmmm" Softly as she snuggled in her worn, fluffy bathrobe.

She froze the article on the screen to read it more intently. "Mmmmm.. wonder if this Duff person going be a pain in Akiashiro's rear end..." She murmured softly, more to herself., while reading the article. She smirked at it was just some guy announcing his presence on the station. "A News Reporter? Wonder who he made upset to be shipped way out here?" Unfreezing the console to continue with the news feed as she ate a quick bite to eat.

She had slipped out from the bedroom to let the big cat, S'er'in'e rest and let him get used to the new place of residence that was out from the mainstream of the station and more into the industrial section of the station.

S'er'in'e slept very well considering his Mate was close to him, the air thickly laced with her scent and the pillow too aiding in the bond being strengthened and thus returning him to stability. He stretched out and was aware his Mate was not near, slowly opening his eyes he could hear something and in light of the location and security involved to get her, it had to be Samanthia. He slowly slid from the bed and into the Bathroom to freshen up from a good nights rest.

Once done he pulled on a knee length robe and fastened it closed. He saw Samanthia. "Good Morning my Mate, did you sleep well?" He asked as he came to a stop next to her.

"I've slept very good, my love," Samanthia spoke softly, hair still a mess from sleeping and still had his scent strongly upon her. Even a few of his fur hairs could be seen gracing her hair. "Your breakfast is in the warmer." Pointing to the appliance that held his breakfast. "I hope you enjoy it." It was his favorite breakfast dish, knowing she couldn't compete with his Mother's way of doing it, added a little touches of her own to enlighten it.

Secretly S'er'in'e liked seeing his fur amongst her hair, not only in his eyes did it suit her but it would form yet another bond solidifying instance he would use. He opened the warmer and grinned, even slightly chuckled. She spoiled him sometimes and he enjoyed it. Now that she was his Mate he could forgo cutlery, taking a seat at the table he began to eat with his claws and savoring each delightful mouthful as he did so. It didn't last long, evidently S'er'in'e did indeed enjoy it. "That was exquisite." He cleared his plate, wiped his mouth and claws and then asked. "May I ask what is on your agenda today?"

Samanthia looked from the news she was listening to as she ate. "A quick visit to the Dive, then on up to Warp-12. Catch up on things there. Then shopping with First Wife Tamarue and her entourage. Then a call to Archia IV to see what I've missed there. Need to get a VISA for you to be able to travel with me to Archa IV....." Was interrupted as the news switched to Archa IV, showing the riots and clashes between the Natives and Refugees, turning once pristine neighborhoods into a war zone. "Oh my...." Rivited to the screen, trying to figure out what city they was showing.

"What is it?" S'er'in'e rose from the chair to come to a stop beside her and see chaos on her monitor. "Where is this?" What and where it was clearly impacted Samanthia.

"University City," Samanthia spoke softly, recognizing the river that flowed through the city. "I may have to head to the planet sooner than I expected. That's my Landlord's building on fire." She watched the screen as it the news camera panned the crowd, showing firefighting vehicles, ambulances and law enforcement vehicles with their multi-colored lights flashing. The crowds along the embankment of the river watching as the flames turned their faces orange with flashes of red, blue and yellow from the strobe lights. "The family that owns the building, gave me an apartment at discount to share with their oldest daughter. Above their store they ran also. Dang Federation and Fleet forcing them to allow Refugees to be placed on the planet." She picked up the remote and clicked the TV off.

S'er'in'e was uneasy about letting his Mate go to what he saw was a scene of chaos yet he knew it would not be possible to follow due to immigration and visa needs. He didn't say anything about her comment about Starfleet and the Federation, she was venting and was not directed towards him. "Is there anything I can do, help you with?"

Samanthia unsure as she wadded up her napkin and leaned against his comforting presence. Oh she missed this a lot to have someone with her and now it was something not to be taken for granted, but treasured deepy. "You are doing it already," She whispered, as her mind raced in top gear of what she needed to accomplish as she sat there leaning against S'er'in'e. "Check Akiashiro's Shuttle fleet to see if there a shuttle available and reserve it in my name."

She stood up, being careful not to let her chair injure S'er'in'e appendages, like his tail. "Then call Warp-12 that I may show up or not. The Dive can take care of itself. I'll deal with Tamarue." She turned and faced S'er'in'e, reaching up and gently grabbing his cheek fur to pull him down to her height. She placed a soft kiss on the tip of his nose and was gone in a flurry of activity to get ready for the day; shower, grooming of her hair and tying it back into a simple ponytail. Then dressed into a multi-purpose outfit. Packed a quick travel bag for the trip off the station, once the shuttle was secured.

As she asked he arranged everything, while she was showering he opened his storage and pulled out a box. Inside were a paid of gloves while had cast duplicates of his claws. Each claw split in two and slid to each side of each finger tip, it was customary for a Caitian male to make these for non Caitian Mates, it would explain if she had considered it why he'd not shown or used his claws very recently. The casting was painful. When he saw her again he presented the gift. "I made these for you." His hands shook ever so slightly as he held the box, a side effect of the discomfort caused by casting each claw and the subsequent cleaning.

Samanthia took the pair of gloves out and looked them over. "They are beautiful, S'er'in'e," Warmth filling her voice. She tried them on, taking note the way his hand paws shook slightly. "I'll treasure them always." Working the mechanism several times to get the feel of them. "Let's hope I don't get a face itch." She slipped them off and carefully packed them into her travel kit. "I hope I don't have to use them."

She wished she didn't have to run. She gave S'er'in'e one last hug. "You can move your stuff into the Apartment, explore, get used to the arrangement of the place. Keep your Akiashiro Pass with you at all times when you explore the level. Till they get used to you, my tiger." She left the travel kit next to the door where she could grab an run as she approached the door. Stopping long enough next to the security panel. "Iiawah SM. The other person in my apartment is allowed full access to the apartment whether I'm here or not." Giving S'er'in'e a smile and a wink, she stepped through the opening doorway and was gone.

An older oriental woman stepped up to the open doorway, blocking it open, "So He was right! Who are you and what you're doing in my Daughter's apartment?" Puffing up to her full height of 5 feet and 1 inches, Blocking the door, preventing it from closing as she looked up at the towering Caitian. He could sneeze and she would've been blown across the corridor. Her eyes blazed with curiosity and fearlessness of an inquisitive mind. She spotted the table still covered with breakfast dishes. Barged right in and began cleaning up the dishes. "Weellll... Cat got your tongue?!" She cackled at her witty joke.

S'er'in'e bowed slightly as each female was afforded then righted himself, he'd not taken his eyes from her as he did so. "I am S'er'in'e of the Sha'lee'it Caste, I am the Mate of Samanthia Akiashiro claimed by her on the Homeworld a few days ago." Logical deduction told him that this was not just a casual civilian considering the deck he was on, he guessed given her zeal and confidence that she was one of the ruling family.

"I'm First Wife to Raphiel, Tamarue." She motioned him over to help her clean up. "She's a runner. Hopping from one place to another. I'm surprise she is able to fit anyone in her schedule." She patted his arm when she gotten a hand free. "I'd advise you to get a leash for that one! Or she'll run you into the ground." Eyes twinkling with merriment and full of life. "When you get a leash on her, keep her barefoot in the kitchen. It not right for her to be gallivanting around the galaxy. Both of you come by for a dinner to meet the rest of the family." Just as comfortable doing chores and leading the domesticated affairs of the family.

"Unfortunately our ways prevent such a thing happening, the female is the dominant gender for my species, we are taught that the wishes and needs of the female supersede those of the male." S'er'in'e paused. "I admit to some trepidation to how the family would accept a non Human. Especially in light of what I am and can do." Her invite to dinner was a surprise however and a nervous one to receive. "I will inform my Mate upon her return of your invitation. She has gone to the planet to resolve some issues there."

Tamarue looked at him wide eyed, "Don't worry. You'll be accepted just fine. Be yourself and civilized." Giving him a warm smile. "Beside it's about time this family has opened it doors to others." With the last of the dishes done and put away, Tamarue looked at him. "Don't forget. Even if you have to carry her to come. Samanthia will find some excuse not to attend."

S'er'in'e was relieved to hear that his arrival to the family would be accepted with no issue, it was a worry for him during the trip back to the station. "I would suspect my Mate may find it too comfortable to be put down if I were to do as you suggest, she has found my fur somewhat...comforting." S'er'in'e then had another thought. "I met briefly your Husband, Raphiel. He did not seem fond of the fact Samanthia had taken a Mate or that I was that Mate. Does he dislike alien species?" He excluded the obvious lack of interest in correcting the mispronouncing of his name.

Tamarue cackled with laughter, "He had my blessings to have an affair with her. I don't mind as long as it does not drive a wedge between us nor cause future problems with the Family. He does not like losing, but will accept the fact that he can't win all the time." Enjoying the expression on his face, of what she could cypher. "Don't worry. He will not interfere with one who is married. As for Aliens, he terribly dislike the Ferengi. They ruin the good reputation of honorable Merchants with their shoddy merchandise they peddle off on some unwitting fool." She openly studied him as she sat down on the nearest chair. "I hope I'm not keeping you from anything important? It's not often I can slip my retainers and servants."

That did explain much, even while Tamarue indicated Raphiel would not meddle in the relationship, S'er'in'e would keep an eye on him none the less. "I hope that will be the case, in my culture the penalty for inappropriate conduct towards the Mate of another is quiet severe." S'er'in'e indicated as a matter of note, if Tamarue had given permission for Raphiel to engage in an affair, then for sure there were feelings in there that he now stood in the way of. "While I do not seek to alarm of cause offence towards yourself or the family, my ways like your are different than the other, you have indicated that I am accepted as Samanthia's Mate, by default so too are my customs and ways."

He coiled his tail about his waist before he sat in a chair to one side of his guest. "As for keeping me from anything, my answer is no, you are not. Aside from moving my effects here I have nothing."

"In ancient times, the Feudal Lord or Lady would take what he or she wanted. If mate protested to loudly or showed any outward signs of hostility or displeasure, forfeited his life. Be thankful we have progressed well beyond that stage. All life is precious, except Ferengi." Tamarue stood up, motioning for him to stay seated. "Samanthia is a good woman. She married my son Nichols, but he is deceased now." Moving to the pictures on the mantel. "This was him and her daughters." Picking up the group shot of Samanthia and Nichols with their twin daughters. She was the only survivor of an attack on Star-Base 12." She then replaced the picture facing the wall. "Hopefully I'll see your pictures grace this shelf along with Samanthia." She smiled at him as she moved to sit next to him. "You two will be the first of None Akiashiros to have their own apartment here on the Akiashiro Deck as we call it. Due to our service to Starfleet in moving this star base to this location. So we have a deck to all our own, then Fleet has no say on."

"It does not bother you that any offspring we should have will not be Human?" S'er'in'e asked taking note about her comment of being the only two non Akiashiros, which told him the rest bar himself were purely Human.

"Humans come in all variants, shape, sizes, mixed heritage in this day in age. Samanthia is as human as I am. As for the newborns, they are innocent as they had no choice in who their parents are. Just like you had no choice in your parents." Tamarue smiled. "If you're worried about off springs, I'm sure when Samanthia is ready, she'll love them just as much as you will. And the rest of us will also."

"Since Samanthia has taken me as her Mate, as such, what requirements or expectations might become of me as a result of our union?" Who better to ask than the lady herself.

Tamarue looked thoughtful, "It may be hard at times, but keep your temper in check. For you come with weapons that we have no say in. If you feel that rage built up, please go find some place private to take your rage out on. Even if it may seam rude to others and yourself to do so. We'll understand or come to an understanding. Even I have walked out of family gathering cause of my temper." She reached out and patted his arm. "But as a parent with children, you'll be responsible for the actions of your children. Be respectful even when inappropriate words fly, but you do have a right to defend yourself as long as it remains words are the weapons of choice. You are one. We are many. I'd hate to see Samanthia lose a second husband."

Ahhhhh so there was the rub. It was always good to know the lay of the land and the lay so far was that he would be alone, tied to the family of course but a tie they seem to be place to cut if it doesn't suit them. "Is that a threat?" S'er'in'e asked. "While you have made your position clear Honoured One." Using the term since she was the 'Elder' of the family. "Perhaps I did not make mine as clear. Any action to take my Mate from me will result in my death, the chemical bond and imbalance caused by her absence will prove fatal. Unless you sit there informing me the honourable Akiashiro family practices murder?"

"Further more, anyone who harms my Mate answers to me. While you have your traditions and customs I too have mine which Samanthia has entered into willingly, while I may choose to use words, I will defend against any wrong doing inflicted upon me or my Mate." Now the final card. "When my Mate returns, I will discuss with her the terms you have posed to me, I will also inform the Overseer of the terms, I may be one here on this station, but I am one of many from the Homeworld. A world that you could open trade with, with a good word from someone of my position."

Tamarue smiled giving a nod at the backbone S'er'in'e shown. "You'll make a fine addition to the Akiashiro Clan. Samanthia has held her own against the best of us and walked away unscathed. She knows what she wants out of life and what do you want? You plan on rejoining Starfleet? Or you on reserve status?"

"Now that I am here on the station I am still on post service retention with Starfleet for 1 standard year. I had applied with the sercurity force at the suggestion of my Mate, your Mate mentioned speaking with your Chief of Security but that was yesterday and while I am in no rush in light of having to move my personal effects and the need to see Captain Von about my resignation status I have little in terms on a known future." S'er'in'e replied and in doing so caused him to think more on his future and what lay in store for it.

"Don't be too hasty on burning a bridge with Starfleet, just yet. I'll tweek my son's ear for being a twit in delaying your new job if that's what you want. A lot of us hold positions within Fleet Service and work for Akiashiro's." Tamarue observed him with interest. Making him feel important at the same time. "It is good to serve while looking after one's own interest."

"I have always served, always will. It is the tradition of my Caste to serve and protect others. While my departure may have displeased some I felt serving Starfleet was a bigger responsibility then that of one world." S'er'in'e pondered about Samanthia briefly. "I have no doubt my Mate will have much to talk about should she see you about the Homeworld and our trip away. It was no doubt an eye opener for her in many ways."

"She's an enigma at times and loves seeing new place and experiencing them." Tamarue smiled as she stood up. "I better be going. Remember, when she gets back from where ever she's gone off to. Family Dinner at 20:00 hours station time, and you have my permission to blame me if you have to carry her." She gave a soft demure giggle once again patting him on the arm. "You stray from your mates occasionally?" With that mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

"Only prior to finding a Mate, once finding one we are fiercely loyal and faithful. She will be the only one." He couldn't tell if there would be another after, he doubted he'd be alive in any case. He rose as she did once again towering above the female of the family.

Tamarue nodded and was out the door of the apartment, leaving behind a faint trace of her perfume behind, letting S'er'in'e to his thoughts. ~~She chose well~~ She thought to herself as her retainers found her.

When the doors closed he was left with the strong impression that she was one he had to be mindful of, everything she said, even to the many touches of his arm and the hint about straying.....he doubted that would be the last of it.

Until then however, he had packing to do.


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