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Tell Me the Truth and Nothing but the Truth, Said the Tribble, "Nevermore."

Posted on Sun Mar 27th, 2016 @ 6:50pm by Kestarah K'Mara

Mission: Brave New World
Location: Somewhere around the SB

Kes was ready. Her ears were tuned to turnout the most basic sounds that a starbase of this size would make but not to those which were not a normal sound. A mouse, which would not be normal to the starbase, would be shot the second Kes heard it.

"Today is a good day to die," Kes growled very softly to herself in Klingon. Continuing, "It is also a good day to avoid getting hurt and then sent to the torture chamber normally called Sickbay.

What she didn't expect to find were civilians out of the "safe areas" of the station. She rolled her eyes at the roundup she needed to do to get them where it was safer.

"All civilians," Kes informed them, not wanting to call them something worse," are to be in specific places. This is not one of them."

"We have no place to go." Why would people not have a place to go? They were here, right? Or they could be some of the folks who managed to crawl in from some place like Romulus or even worse.

"Everyone has a place to go. Even if you are not here, legally, you have a place to go," Kes informed them. "First thing to do is to...." she said to them, repeating the instructions for gaining legal status on this station. "I do know that the Captain does have a heart and will be more than willing to work with you. But you have to register with the Ops department first.

"Yeah, right," another one of them yelled at her.

Ok. They didn't believe anything she said to them. "Let's start this one right here. I want everyone to get in families. I need one person to speak per family. I need to know some information. Best thing to do is to be honest with me. Lying won't get you on the captain's good side. Willingness to work to improve life for everyone on the station is the second best way after honesty."

Kes looked at the group. THIS was NOT HER job. Her job was to protect the innocent, the idiots, and those here on the station. She classified this group of illegal immigrants as part of the idiots.

She waited for a few minutes for the furor to die down before barking her next bit of instructions. "I want to have the heads of the families to come up and form a line. I need to know a lot of information: names of everyone with you, planet you are from and why you left, jobs done on your homeworld for everyone who is over 16 or legal working age for your homeworld, and any special training you have, like medical or legal training. If you have graduated from the Vulcan Science Academy or some place like that, my captain," she slowed down and muttered 'the Tribble' under her breath, "needs to know this. When everyone has finished, I'm going to take you to a safer, much safer location with your families. After that, someone from either the Operations Department or the Captain's office will be getting with you. When you sign the statement stating that everything you tell me is the truth, you will have to sign it. If you lie about one thing, I can not guarantee what the Captain will do, but I can almost tell you that you might find yourself on the next ship home. Be truthful, and she can move mountains."

She waited for the first guy to come up. The line must have had 30 people in it, representing around 150-175 people. It was a start.

"Name," Kes started.


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