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Captain and Commander [Backpost]

Posted on Mon Jul 4th, 2016 @ 8:27pm by Captain Liarra Von & Commander Soleck

Mission: Brave New World
Location: CO's Office, Operations Control
Timeline: Immediately After "New Officers [Backpost]"

Having said their goodbyes to Byrne, Soleck followed Liarra into her office and took the seat offered to him, "Thank you for taking a moment, Captain. I am certain you have more pressing matters to attend," The Vulcan said, bowing his head to her respectfully.

Von waved her hand dismissively. "There are always pressing matters, Commander, but none right now more pressing than getting to know my new first officer." Liarra walked behind her desk and over to the wall mounted replicator. "Caramel cappuccino, hot," she said after activating the device. As the beverage materialized, she turned back towards to the other officer. "Would you care for anything, Commander?"

Soleck arched an eyebrow, "I have developed a taste for Raktajino, Captain, if you would be so kind," He replied, smiling.

"Of course, Commander." Von turned back to the replicator and took her mug from the device. "Raktajino," she ordered once her hand was clear. A second mug materialized in the chamber. Liarra took both drinks back to her desk and took a seat, handing the Vulcan his drink. She took a sip of hers before placing it on a nearby coaster. "Now, as you are aware, this region of space has been rather volatile as late. It's put us in a difficult position. As the last major Federation outpost in the region, we've become both a economic hub as well as a strategic one. That means we have a lot of traffic to deal with, both civilian and Starfleet, and each offers their own challenges. We may not be out there exploring strange new worlds, but that doesn't mean life around here is dull. Security is a major concern, as well as keeping track of everything that is coming and going through our sector. As the chief administrator to the chaos that I call Home, I'm going to need all the help that I can get."

Soleck nodded, "Indeed. I would imagine that our strategic position makes us a prime candidate for smuggling, piracy, and other sorts of treachery. I do not envy Byrne's task of running security," He said. "I'm sure it will be excessively beyond challenging."

"I'm afraid so. It's been an uphill battle just keeping the level of crime where it is. We have patrols all over the station, but some decks are worse than others. It seems that the lower you go in the station, the less a Starfleet presences is tolerated. Unfortunately, despite being administrated by Starfleet, Three-Three-Two is consider a Federation outpost, and I can't just declare martial law to clean it up."

Soleck seemed to be pondering what she was saying, looking into space with an eyebrow arched, "Perhaps, Captain," He began after she finished, "A martial answer is not the correct one. Perhaps a show of good faith and an effort to help the good people on the lower levels may earn us clearer passage. It would not only benefit them in the short term, but it may benefit us in the long term if our security teams find it easier to do their jobs down there," He offered.

"It's worth a shot, Commander," Von replied as she considered his thought. Leave it to a Vulcan to consider the situation logically. "Perhaps Commander Byrne will have more luck there. At least so far, even attempts to show good faith have been met with mistrust. They tend to look out for their own down there, and not trust the outsiders. But, I'm all for trying a different approach, especially if it gets results."

"Far be it for me to argue with the rules and regulations from Starfleet, but in this instance perhaps it would be more prudent to allow our security teams to be a bit more... flexible in their interpretations of the regulations. Desperate people do desperate things, perhaps showing that we understand that is more of what they need. Sometimes you need to loosen the reigns rather than tighten them, if you take my meaning," He explained. "I will speak to Commander Byrne on this topic and see if he agrees."

Liarra smiled, even if she knew the Vulcan was unlikely to return the sentiment. "I think you and I are going to get along just fine, Commander. You're already starting to think like me. Let's give the commander time to get settled in, and the talk to him about our strategy. As for other topics, I think it would be good for you to meet with the rest of the senior staff and get status updates from them directly. I'd like to have everyone working as a team, so it will be best that they get to know you. Yeoman Talelle can help you make the meeting arrangements."

Soleck nodded as he sipped the last of his Raktajino, "I have not had the pleasure of making her acquaintance," He said. "And it is entirely possible that you think like me, Captain," He said, giving her the rare pleasure of an actual smile, "After all, I have been around longer," He said, with the distinct note of teasing to his voice. But surely not. He was a Vulcan, after all.

Liarra returned the smile, delighted that she was able to illicit some sort of emotional response. She crossed her hands in front of her as she barely contained her excitement. "That may be true, Commander, if you're only counting Liarra. But I have five other lifetimes under my belt. So I think it's safe to say that I've been around longer."

"You will have to forgive me for forgetting the longevity of the Trill symbiots for a moment," Soleck replied, smirking again. "Fair enough, Captain. I have started thinking like you."

"You're forgiven, Commander. It's an easy mistake to make." Liarra smiled and took another sip of her drink. "If, you'll excuse me, Commander, I have some paperwork to attend to. I'll give you some time to get settled in and get to know the rest of the senior staff. If you have any questions, let me know or Yeoman Talelle. She can help orient you. I'm looking forward to working with you, Commander Soleck."

"As I am you, Captain. Until we can speak again," Soleck said, standing and giving Von a slight bow before turning and leaving her office.

Captain Liarra Von
Commanding Officer

Commander Soleck
Executive Officer


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