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Briefing the Chief

Posted on Tue Aug 9th, 2016 @ 3:10pm by Lieutenant Commander Thomas Byrne & Lieutenant Marc Madigan & Warrant Officer Marcus Lazlo

Mission: Brave New World
Location: Starbase 332 - Chief of Security's Office

As the rest of the officers filed out of his office, Byrne was left standing with Detective Lazlo, Chief ch'Darnath and Lieutenant Madigan, the section chief for the promenade. Once the door was shut behind the last person out, Byrne looked over to Lazlo. "OK, so walk me through it. How long ago was this investigation started? What was the crime scene like when you got there?"

"We did the initial canvas about twelve hours ago, sir. Lab is still processing a lot of the evidence," Laz explained. "The store was smashed up and wrecked, but we didn't see anything obviously stolen. Looked like a robbery gone wrong, except for the lack of a robbery part. Also, we found some blood away from the body, like maybe someone was trying to clean up and missed something. It was too far away for splatter from where we found the vic. Waiting on a positive ID from the lab if it was the vics or someone else," Lazlo explained.

"I take it we have no witnesses?" the commander asked. "Any evidence tagged at the scene?"

"None that have spoken up, at least," replied Lieutenant Madigan, the Promenade section chief.

"Right, and we didn't find much. No murder weapon, no prints, and the vid feeds and their backups were scrubbed," Laz explained. "Right now the only thing we've got is the blood. If that doesn't pan out... we've got a lot of foot work ahead of us," He explained.

"This is starting to sound like we either have an extremely careful robber who doesn't like to take anything, or someone who knows exactly what they're doing," the Commander said. "How secure are the promenade vid feeds? What sort of computer experience would someone typically need in order to be able to wipe them?"

Madigan shrugged. "The truth is, Commander, those systems are all over the place. The public area feeds are connected to the station's main system, but private businesses usually have their own system, and often vary in complication. But based on this particular system, the perp needs to at least have a basic knowledge of security systems to bypass the encryption. It would certainly be easier than getting into the main station feeds, but not trivial."

"Run up a list of everyone on the station with the required skill set. Expand it to any ships docked at the time of the incident, too. How long do you expect we'll have to wait before the lab is done processing enough of the evidence for a report?" Byrne said, directing his last question to Lazlo.

"Hopefully not too long, but they're pretty back logged with all of the looting during the Sojourner attack," Laz replied.

"OK, I'll head down there and see if they've gotten anything yet. Anything else?" Byrne asked, looking around at everyone's faces to see if they had any other suggestions. "Good," he said, when nobody else said anything.

With the meeting now essentially over, and tasks needing to be carried out by each of them, Byrne began to lead the way out of his office. As the door opened out into the bullpen, he gave one last set of orders. "Have your people canvass the area around the shop for any witnesses. The computer may be able to help place anyone wearing a combadge that was near the area during our time of death window too. Detective, you and the Chief head over to the victims quarters. Take some of Lieutenant Engstrom's people to help you go over the place, see if there's anything there that might be relevant to the case."

"Will do, Chief," Lazlo said, nodding, "But I'll be surprised if anyone was actually wearing a combadge. I'm betting this is civilian," He explained. "Detectives instinct," He added for clarity.

"You're probably right," Byrne agreed. "But we should do our due diligence until a clearer picture emerges. You've all got your tasks, so let's get to it."

Lt. Commander Thomas Byrne
Chief of Security

Lieutenant Marc Madigan [NPC: Von]
Promenade Section Security Chief

Warrant Officer Marcus Lazlo [NPC: Le Austin]
Criminal Investigator


Master Chief Petty Officer Arathenar ch'Darnath [NPC: Drusus]
Starbase 332


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