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Repairs Begin

Posted on Fri Jul 29th, 2016 @ 6:22am by Colonel S'er'in'e & Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: Brave New World
Location: Fighter Bay 332
Timeline: Current

Chief Kane was busy unpacking the many crates that he discovered were laying in wait for him and his team. Right away it was obvious that they were the parts he was after because of the markings on the side, they matched some on the side of the Colonel's fighter. As he laid each part carefully out to the side he was already picturing the craft in perfect order.

"Chief, this is for you too." Kane heard a voice off to one side and looked to see one of his techs.

"What is it?" Kane asked as he braced himself against the rim of the container he was nearly shoulder deep into.

"Design specifications and schematics of some sort."

The one thing Kane needed and he was just handed it. "Thanks." He took the data chip and inserted it into the diagnostics computer hooked up to the fighter. Without asking it to the system had identified every spek of damage, damage system, incomplete subsystem routines and more. "Get the team, we have work to do."

With the aid of all the information on the data chip Kane and the team were able to work in safety and assuredly that they were doing everything correctly. The only thing missing were outer hull plates but Kane could have those manufactured, painted and fitted in no time at all.

"So what's the rush to get this fixed Chief?"

"I asked a favour and she came through, wouldn't be a good chief if I didn't at least use what she got me would I?" Kane replied as he stood under the craft feeding data cables and housings into the belly of the craft.

"She.....who's she, someone we should know about?"

"Well out of your league mate and mine." Kane replied as he connected one end of the bundle of cables. "The Colonel's Mrs, Samanthia." He didn't connect the other end because that system still needed to be replaced. "I'm guessing you are not exactly Mr Current Events. I did some reading, figured I might at least try to understand something about the new boss if we are working for him."

"Sounds reasonable, what did you learn?"

"Apparently some Caitians come from a sort of caste system, not like upper class, rich or poor but warriors, farmers, builders, leaders etc." Kane explained as he rested against the open hatch way. "Now obviously each caste is excel at something and the Colonel is from the warrior caste. Now we are not talking about your average run of the mill military here, they are trained practically after they can walk, as young as two or three."

"You mean the system takes babies away from the parents?"

"Apparently it's a great honour for the parents." Kane explained. "Anyway, he will train for decades, only seeing his parents if he does well in training. Have you noticed those things on the Colonel's ears?"

"Yeah, jewellery or something?"

"Sort of, if you just pass training say, you get one. If you excel and I mean excel you get two. When he get's to 60 something he get's a nose piece marking him as 'Honoured'."

"You really did some Homework didn't you?"

"So should you, might help you not make a mistake around him." Kane paused. "From what I have read the male is subservient to the female."

"What, you mean women rule the roust?"

"Yup, political, religious, home life...everything." Kane saw the system he'd been fixing activate after its diagnostics routine. "He will bow to females, a mark of respect."

"He nearly bowled her over when he saw her in here."

"Ah that's different, she is his Mate. When they find a Mate apparently the rules change a little. But any other female he wont touch unless permission is given." Kane explained as he looked over the readouts. "Ok, you can connect the flight system to the gyro stabilisers now."

"I feel sorry for her, hes not exactly small."

Kane laughed. "No, hes not but that is pretty much how males come. Females are slightly smaller, slender in frame but more agile for it. Anyway, I learned through my reading that Caitians from his caste are possessive, and I mean possessive."

"Yeah, I heard about the fight."

"Ah apparently Samanthia told him to do that." Kane chipped in.

"What do you mean, she told him to kill that other Caitian?"

"Yup. Part of his system is to follow any order his Mate gives him, he doesn't have to agree, doesn't have to like it, but he has to do it." Kane paused watching a warning light blink. "Reset it and try again." He watched the light go out and waited. "My advice, don't touch his Mate Samanthia. He wont take kindly to it."


"Yeah, I shook her hand not long ago after the Colonel and Captain left, just an introduction sort of handshake. I bet though if the Colonel was here he'd have smelt it." Kane saw the warning light again. "Ok, looks like we need to replace this too." He began uncoupling the system.

"So why the urgency on the fighter?"

"Well, being possessive this fighter is also a reminder of his Homeworld. If you had something from Earth that you liked, wouldn't you want it in good working order?" Kane explained hoping they would have this finished and test flight ready before the Colonel got back from his trip with the Captain. "Anyway, I just thought it might help if I knew what made the Colonel tick, try and avoid some difficult moments or something. Make his job easier."

Samanthia moved up to the Caitian fighter and seeing the cargo containers opened. Some of the components were already missing from the crates and the Deck crews were working on the Caitian Fighter. "So I can go looking for that Delinquent Cat of mine!" It was way past due for S'er'ine to return and she was getting worried. "How's the repairs going, Chief Kane? Any thing missing from the shipment from Cait?" She was taking a visual inventory of the crates and parts exposed against a shipping manifest she held in her hands.

Kane smirked at her remark at the boss. "We have everything we need plus spares, a complete schematic diagrams of the craft and a back up of the system database and operating programs. All we have to do is fit and repair." Taking a moment he turned to face Samanthia fully. "Sorry for the scruffy appearance Ma'am, been working on getting this going while the boss is gone."

Samanthia gave a soft laugh, letting him know there was nothing to be ashamed of in appearance. She was in jeans, tennis shoes and tanktop. Her hair tied back in a pony tail. "Excellent." I'll have some food sent down from Warp-12. unfortunately it whont be on the fine china."

"Excuse me." A small woman chirped as she hung her head from the belly of the fighter evident that she was within the weapons bay in a horizontal harness. "I don't mean to be rude but between us girls, what's it like being married to something like the Boss?"

"Katherine!!!" Kane spoke. "Seriously...come on, bosses Wife and all!!!"

"What....I mean look, huge feline and could get on and ride the Boss he's that big." Her twin pig tails dangling downwards. "I don't mean any disrespect sweets but I mean, I just gotta know." Katherine had never considered an alien lover, nor a male one for that fact. Her flag was well and firmly entrenched in the 'Ladies Only Camp'.

Kane ran his hand down his face in sheer disbelief at Katherine and in doing so smearing black grease down his face. He knew right away what he'd done but Katherine's question weighed more now on him than appearances.

Samanthia laughed softly. "I don't need blankets with him and an excellent cook. I may hire him into cooking for Warp-12." She smiled widely. "I'll invite you guys over for a holo-deck picnic to have a taste of his cuisine." She knew how to field questions of a personal nature.

"I'm in on that!" A voice came from the cockpit along with an arm clutching some kind of tool in the hand. "I need a good feed."

Kane just gave up. The masses were ganging up on him. "That would be grand, I think it would be good to get to know the boss outside of work and get an understanding since we look after his kit and craft."

Samanthia laughed softly. "It's good to know his craft is in good hands. Come by the Lounge and I'll put the word out to get you guys a discount for the night." Samanthia stood up. "If you need more parts for the Craft. Let me know and I'll make the calls. Chief."

"30 minutes?" Kane asked since they had already been at work for some time with nothing to eat. "We could do with a break before we start seeing parts and diagnostic stats before our eyelids."

"I'll call ahead." Samanthia smiled warmly. She pulled out her old service combadge and made the calls. She turned to Kane and crew. "I gotta run. Nice talking with you all." She took off quite pleased with herself, nodding to the Security Guard to the Bay as she passed through the exit.


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