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Posted on Mon May 16th, 2011 @ 12:33pm by Lieutenant Commander Melissa Daniels M.D.

Chief Medical Officer's Log,

The Last few weeks have been difficult for me. I've had to face the ghosts of my past, and the consequences of it. And I cannot explain how close I was to slipping back to what she once was. I have managed to stop the assassinations that have plagued the base, and I have done it without breaking my vow. Never kill again.

I am returning from Betazed, from the most hardest thing I had to do. My parents were shocked to learn that I was alive. So shocked that they almost had me arrested for assuming the identity of their daughter. It was difficult to explain to them the reality of what Epsilon Idris did, and they were shocked beyond words. Eventually they realized that I was trying to make up for everything I did. They told me that even though Kris Valtan is now dead, that I'll always be their daughter.

I'm not sure, Kris Valtan was fashioned and honed into an instrument of death. I do not have a family to call my own. Ever since I have started this new life. It is a sad thing. The burden, of living for redemption, is that you realize that you can never go back to what you once were. Or you would be lost. I told them that I can never go back to what she was. They would have to accept Melissa Daniels as their daughter.

Starfleet has informed me that they will not be releasing, to the public, my true identity. They have informed me that the Assassinations have sent ripples through the quadrant, and they do not want to add to fear and hysteria. Once again, Kris Valtan slips into the shadows of the past where she belongs.

End log.


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Comments (1)

By Captain Alexander Gunning on Mon May 16th, 2011 @ 12:35pm

It's good to have you back, Doc.