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Moment of Truth

Posted on Mon Nov 21st, 2016 @ 1:14pm by Samanthia Akiashiro & Colonel S'er'in'e

Mission: Shadows and Whispers

S'er'in'e carried his Mate to Sickbay lovingly and caringly as he had done so many times before. They talked as he walked about recent events, a word or two about her studies and family but that stopped when they entered the medical area for the check up. Others were present and waiting so to avoid discomfort for Samanthia he placed her gently on her feet. "They seem busy." He stated looking around at other officers and civilians waiting.

A nurse appeared a few moments later seeing the new arrivals especially since the Caitian was a difficult one to miss. "Hello, I'm Nurse Arisha Ikigowa. How can I help you?" The young woman of Asian decent, flowing long jet black hair and brown eyes asked.

"Hi, I'm here to get a check-up to see if I'm pregnant." Samanthia spoke up looking at Nurse Ikigowa. "My cycle either way late or..." Letting her voice fade off. "I'm Samanthia Akiashiro. My records should be accessible."

"Right this way." Arisha spoke trying to save some face for Samanthia. She lead them into a private room where the trio could speak easier. "Please, take a seat." She opened up the records. "It says here that you are on a Caitian hormone supplement. How has that been for you?"

"It had it ups and downs till my body got used to the supplements." Samanthia spoke softly, not to worry S'er'in'e anymore than necessary. She settled in a nearby chair, close enough to S'er'in'e easy reach.

"Any lingering discomfort, tenderness or soreness and do you feel hotter than usual?" The nurse trying to note down as much as possible for the records.

Samanthia looked thoughtful, remembering some of the discomforts. "my emotions were outta whack. Grumpier than usual. My breast are bigger and I'm a bit more fuzzier than usual. I'm a lot warmer than usual, other than that, I'm fine. My temper is more stronger at times." She spoke thoughtfully.

"I see." The Nurse spoke as she made entries to Samanthia's records. "I'll just run a scan and then I can give you some explanations." Standing up she pulled a scanner from her pocket, opened it and ran the hand held scanner side to side over Samanthia's body from shoulder to waist even while seated.

"Emotional changes are expected, the introduction of any medication into the body can invoke some change, in this case since you are trying to conceive and you needed the help of the Caitian synthetic hormone treatments you should begin to level off in that area." She sat back down and entered more information. "I'm pleased to say that you are pregnant. Congratulations."

There was no hiding her smile now from her prior poker face. "Exact information is hard to say, but you are definitely pregnant."

It was a relief to know why her monthly cycle for this month didn't happen. She felt the pride at being able to have more children. Yet she was a bit worried. She looked at S'er'in'e, seeing how he was taking the news.

Hearing the news S'er'in'e teamed with pride, joy and happiness but when he looked at his Mate it was replaced by something else. Was she having second thoughts? Was all this too much for her? Did he push her into things too early? This was his fault and he knew it, the look on his face spoke exactly that.

"Hair growth will continue for the term of your pregnancy, I would suggest not cutting your hair. As I'm sure your Partner will tell you, Caitian's are covered in fur and that fur holds the scent from the skin within it. Your children will need that to recognise you since they are born blind for the first week or so, its perfectly normal. Your breasts will continue to grow, a side effect of the medication just like your hair but you should consider how you wish to feed the children be it breast feeding or expelling." There was a pause as she checked something. "Temperature should steady out during the term, once born you should return to normal."

"Which means longer dresses and pants." Samanthia preferred to wear dresses while on the promenade area and in her establishment. Men folks liked looking at a lady's legs for some reason or another. "I'll probably breast feed them till they start to teeth like I did my first set of ...." Her voice faded as she shifted uncomfortably with a shy glance at S'er'in'e. "Then switch over to regular foods." Turning back to Nurse Arisha with a smile of motherhood once more.

"Something troubles you though?" S'er'in'e asked. He'd have to inform the Homeworld and let them know of the pregnancy. "What is it?"

"I'll have to get a whole new wardrobe to wear!" Samanthia slightly whined, being a bit vain about her appearance. "I can't go in public with unshaved legs and hairy armpits!" She shuddered a bit. "There's gotta be a better way!" Looking at the Nurse, but she would do anything for the survival of her offsprings.

The Nurse smiled seeing the misunderstanding. "You can shave, what I meant was the hair on your head. You may have to wash it more often but I'd avoid cutting it and towards the due date I would avoid putting any products in it like sprays or creams." The Nurse turned to her computer and studied it for a moment. "I'm looking over the notes from your previous visits, it's been entered that due to the importance of scent that a prior to birth you should place an article of clothing in the cot with the infant so that it can better familiarise itself to the pair of you while you sleep or are absent."

"Oh! whew!" Samanthia exhaled with relief. "No problem with that. I just had my hair done recently." She was all smiles and motherly warmth. "I've raised children before. This will be no difference. This time around, I'm going to make sure they reach adulthood!" With determination. "And he'll help," Reaching out to grab S'er'in'e's big hand paw with her human hand. "If he knows what is good for him." Giving him that look, yet it was filled with warmth of love. Knowing that this cemented their relation and made it stronger.

"Indeed I will." S'er'in'e smiled showing the tips of his fangs. He was going to be a Father. "With the prengancy confirmed will there be any dietary or alterations to our lifestyles?"

"Not really, you covered much of that when you came in earlier for the hormone treatements, as long as you stay healthy, eat enough and do your best to avoid injury everything should work out just fine. We will obviously check up on Samanthia during her term since Caitians can form claws within the womb and we are not as sturdy as Caitian females so we have to watch for possible injury." The Nurse spoke in reply with a smile.

Samanthia was all smiles and worry free now that she knew. She could stop taking the blasted hormone treatments. "They better not form claws inside of me. I'll have them prematurely taken out and they can start life a bit earlier than expected." There was no menace nor threat to the young in her tone. She looked up at the nurse with a smile. "Thank you for seeing me. I'll see you in a month from now?"

"Yes, every month one month from today. As this is a mixed species pregnancy as you draw closer to you're due date the interval will get shorter. If they do develop claws we want to catch it as early as possible. We will also run some testing to make sure they are healthy during the term and medicate as required." The Nurse spoke finally closing Samanthia's file. "I have forwarded to you what information we have about pregnancies with Caitians, it is not much but I am certain S'er'in'e can fill in the details."

"Most definitely," Samanthia smiled warmly with the knowledge of a new family started. "I've been researching a lot on the subject." She looked at S'er'in'e with a smile. "Looks I am done here till my next appointment."

"We are yes. I will see you in a month." The Nurse smiled to the pair of them.



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