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Around the block

Posted on Wed Dec 14th, 2016 @ 10:49pm by Lieutenant Yzhara & Lieutenant Commander Tyler Vorran

Mission: Shadows and Whispers
Location: USS Wainwright- Bridge
Timeline: 0800hrs

Vorran looked around the empty bridge of the Wainwright, they would be using the ship for a brief training cruise to the edge of the Archa system and back. The Cadets were lucky to have access to a ship for training, most of his training was on shuttles or a holodeck. Vorran looked at the helm controls and familiarized himself with their layout so he could monitor the cadets.

Lieutenant Yzhara entered the bridge a short time later. She had wanted to get her station set up before the cadets arrived. Recent training trips had left her in charge of leaving little surprises for the cadets to work through, and she expected this cruise to be no different. She nodded vague in the direction of Vorran, though her eyes seemed to be gazing off at something else. "Good morning, Commander," she called out to him. "Are you looking forward to your first training cruise?"

"It should be interesting, just in case I did make sure the escape pods are in working order." Vorran replied with a chuckle.

"Well, they did end up panicking a bit last time when went out. But don't worry, we fixed the bugs in that training program. And took away their plasma torches."

Vorran gulped. "Plasma torches?"

"Well, we gave them a ship-wide power failure to deal with, and a couple of the cadets got a little creative. They determined that the cause of the power failures were the result of a cyber attack since there was no other reason for the failure. In a way that was true since it was all orchestrated as a test for them. They tracked the source of the 'attack' to the room we were in, and used the plasma torches to cut their way in. It wasn't pretty."

Vorran shrugged. "At least they were thinking outside the box. Let's not plan on any power failures for this training cruise just in case."

"Agreed," Yzhara replied with a smirk. "Let's keep it simple, just a quick run around the block. Do you have anything that you'd like to have the cadets do?"

"Lets see how they do taking us to Archa nine and back. We can have them take us through the system's asteroid field and on a close approach to Archa nine. If they do it right I'll be able to refill the ice in my drink from the surface as we pass." Vorran replied grinning.

"It will be just like visiting home," Yzhara replied with a grin. "If you're ready, I'll give the word to send the cadets aboard."

"Let's make sure my little surprise for them is working first." Vorran replied pushing a few buttons on a console. A Romulan warbird appeared to decloak on the viewscreen and open fire. The ship shuddered underneath them. "I made a few adjustments to the intertial dampeners and gravity plating. It should get their attention more than the usual simulations."

Yzhara looked intrigued, though it was hard to tell. Holograms didn't always work on her. Holodecks, with their combination of holo images and forcefields were visible enough, though she could tell that they weren't real. But holograms projected on the viewscreen were a different matter. But most people in Starfleet didn't see the same way she did. It would be far more likely to frighten the cadets. "Sounds fun. Just make sure we're away from populated areas before you spring your surprise. I'd hate to see the bill for collateral damage if they start shooting up the place."

"I probably should manually disarm the photon torpedo warheads so they don't blow up the asteroid field when they return fire." Vorran replied. "It should be interesting to see how they react under pressure though."

"I definitely concur that we should not trust them with live weapons." Yzhara shrugged. "If you're ready to go, then I'll assemble the cadets."

"I'm ready, lets get this party started." Vorran replied.

Lt. Commander Tyler Vorran
Senior Instructor

Lieutenant Yzhara


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