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Mysterious Invitation

Posted on Wed Feb 22nd, 2017 @ 11:45pm by Captain Liarra Von & Colonel S'er'in'e

Mission: Indomitable Will
Location: Captain Von's Office

Mar'ess was in her quarters aboard her personal ship in orbit around the Starbase, she was seated and pondered over the recent events with her warrior but also Captain Von. Mar'ess knew all too well that when a leader is around behaviour picks up, words are chosen carefully and actions monitored but she wanted to speak to Von alone without S'er'in'e or anyone else present. The reports from her guardian left with her warrior to grant him extra training were going well but there was still much to be done if he was to reach the standards expected of him. Mar'ess paid little regard to the fact S'er'in'e injured the Guardian during training, perhaps both would learn something from the other in the end.

With a twitch of an ear she indicated she wanted attention, a Guardian positioned herself beside and behind the Overseer. "Yes Overseer?" The voice low and soft.

"I want to see this, Captain Von, alone." Mar'ess spoke. She sipped a drink briefly and placed it on the table before her. "Just the Captain." No males served on her ship and only those males of the Caste could step foot on it, if invited to do so.

A message was sent by Guardian to the Captain, the Guardian would say nothing but present the invitation by hand. She had been given orders such. She pressed the chime to the door and waited.

Von had been lounging on her couch reading. It was a rare moment where she had some time to herself to just relax and reflect, which she spent in a book looking for an escape. With all of the excitement on the station the last several months, these moments felt few and far between. The door chime brought her back into reality. With a sigh, she placed her tasseled bookmark between the yellowed pages and laid the book beside her. Duty calls, she thought to herself as she rose to her feet. "Come in."

The door opened and the armoured Guardian stepped in. Her face masked as it was when the Captain first encountered the Overseer and her escorts. She looked around quickly before focusing on the Captain. In her hand held out a letter, written on a form of paper, in Caitian. Mar'ess would have it no other way than traditionally.

Liarra wasn't quite sure how to react to the Guardian's arrival, so she bowed her head in greeting. The silence from the Guardian was surprising, but it was clear that she wanted Von to take the letter. Liarra took the paper from the Guardian, but the writing was entirely in Caitian. Liarra couldn't read any of it. She looked back up to the Guardian. "Thank you. Is this from the Overseer? I do apologize, but I'm afraid that I'm not well versed in your language. What does it say?"

The Guardian said nothing, at least thats what could be viewed as, but a purr, brief and hardly audible to non Caitian ears was the only sound she made before turning and leaving. Her task had been done, it lay in the Captains hands now.

Von watched the guardian leave with a mix of disappointment, confusion, and annoyance. In her culture, it would be considered rude to give someone a message that they couldn't read and leave without translating it. But she was learning just how different the Caitian culture was from hers. Clearly this was intended to be something for her to figure out.

Liarra returned to her sofa and took a seat, gazing at the letter and the alien script. She had a couple of options for how to address this. She could take it to the communications department and have it translated, or she could call in a friend. Von didn't know how Mar'ess would feel about her going to S'er'in'e, but she would feel better knowing that he was at least aware of the letter. Besides, she had no doubt that he could tell her more about Caitian culture than a non-Caitian translator.

After considering her options for a moment, Von made a decision and tapped her commbadge. "Von to Colonel S'er'in'e."

An unexpected call to hear from the Captain, he wondered if an investigation was underway about the attack on deck. "S'er'in'e here Captain." He put the PADD he was reading down on his desk.

"When you have a moment, could you come up to my office? I have something that I need to discuss with you."

"As you wish, I will be there in a moment." S'er'in'e had already rose from his desk and heading out before he finished speaking. It took only a brief time to reach the Captain's office, perk of swift movements and longer than most legs.

Von beckoned for S'er'in'e to enter. "Please, come in. The Overseer's Guardian, the one leading your training, brought me this a short time ago." Liarra reached out towards S'er'in'e, the letter in her hand. "I was hoping that you could help me read it."

S'er'in'e instantly knew who it was from from the crest on it. He unrolled it and read it. "Captain Von, you are requested and required to present yourself before Overseer Mar'ess aboard her vessel. No guard or escort permitted, safety will be assured, no weapons of any kind and you will be scanned." He saw the seal of the Overseer at the bottom.

"Find something soft, push through the paper with your nails only. It is the mark of your acceptance." Knowing Von would accept because of what was at stake. "You will not be allowed to keep this because it bears the seal of the Overseer, but she will give you something in return." S'er'in'e paused wondering what the Overseer would want with the Captain, alone.

"If I may, remember what I said about being in her presence, be mindful of what you do and of her Guardians. She has assured your safety true but they will attack if you do something wrong, they wont kill you but they will make you realise the error you made." A realisation he was experiencing from the many hits and blows he'd taken to date from the Guardian training him. "Shower but do not perfume, leave your hair down but brushed. I would suggest something other than your uniform. She dislikes Starfleet and it will work against you if sat before her wrapped up in it." S'er'in'e was trying to think of things Mar'ess favours in females to give Von any advantage he could.

"As difficult as it may be for us, have with you a translated copy of both your and my last mission report on the planet we were stranded on. It may help your position with her." Seeing that he had to protect her, keep her safe, carry her knowing the risks and dangers to himself might curry some favour with Mar'ess. It would however prove worth, and give Von some bargining power to keep him on her station.

Von made mental notes of his advice, hoping that she didn't forget anything. "The mission reports won't be difficult to get. I don't have too many outfits that are for special occasions that aren't my uniform though." She suddenly had a thought. "What about the dress we had made from the Caitian silk? The gift you gave me after we returned to the station?" She didn't bring up the reason why he had given her the gift. It was intended in exchange for stealing the underwire from her bra to be used in an emergency surgery in a cave. "Would that be appropriate, or would she recognise it and be insulted?"

"That should work, she will recognise it but accept your attempt to accommodate her. Sleeveless and knee length but fitted to your frame. Caitian attire for us is fitted but in a way to allow freedom of movement given our physical structure. For females attire is graceful, form fitted but....." He was trying to find a suitable word in translation for what he wanted to say. "Attractive, to our eyes." He hoped that made sense. "You should feel honoured, rare for the Overseer to even entertain the idea of seeing someone alone, especially a non Caitian."

"I do feel honored," Von replied sincerely. "The Overseer made it clear during our previous meetings that she didn't have time for non-Caitians. Maybe I made a good impression?"

"Only the Overseer can tell." S'er'in'e spoke. "You should prepare, the Overseer is not one for politeness for those that are late."

Captain Liarra Von
Commanding Officer

Lt. Colonel S'er'in'e
Commander, Air Group


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