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Posted on Tue Feb 21st, 2017 @ 6:08pm by Lieutenant Commander Tyler Vorran & Commander Talia Varen

Mission: Indomitable Will
Location: Infirmary
Timeline: 1300hrs

Vorran entered the Starbase infirmary, the bio beds lining the walls, various personnel attending to the small number of patients. He had received a message that he was overdue for a physical, hopefully this wouldn't take long.

The chime that went off softly in Talia's office to announce an entry into sickbay brought her into the main sickbay before it was done. "Good afternoon!" The doctor greeted cheerfully seeing a man in command scarlet waiting there for her.

Vorran was taken aback by the cheerful medical officer. "Doctor Varen I presume?"

"You presume correctly. Welcome to my humble abode." A gentle smile brightened her face as she gestured for him to take a seat on a biobed.

Vorran sat down on the biobed. "I'm Tyler Vorran, I was told I needed to report for a physical."

"Talia, it's nice to meet you." her polite answer came as the biobed activated and she turned her attention to it. "Yes, you're a little overdue, but it is pleasing to not have to hunt people down and drag them in kicking and screaming"

"Alright doc, lets get this over with then. I'm sure you have other patients that require your attention." Vorran replied

"Not at the moment. Anything I should know about before I begin?"

Vorran shrugged. "I look Bajoran on the outside but I'm also part El-Aurian. I know starfleet medical has little information on them."

"That is true, there are not many of your species in the fleet. I'll be sure to read up just in case. ". The scanner in her hand whirred to life as she swept it over him. Absently Talia tucked the brilliant scarlet forelock behind her ear as it escaped her braid.

"I don't know much about them myself, I have only met one other El-Aurian. I am more familiar with Bajorans and their culture." Vorran replied

"I love a good mystery." She commented as she did a preliminary scan. The sensors following her sweep so she might get more details on the readout.

"What's the verdict doc?" Vorran asked as he was scanned

"Apart from some minimal vitamin deficiencies, you're in perfect condition. When you are exercising, do you just drink water or do you drink an electrolyte solution?"

'I usually drink water when I exercise." Vorran replied

"You might try finding a supplement you find palatable- or eat more vegetables. You're going to start getting muscular cramps should you continue without replacing them in some way. "

"I'll keep that in mind doc. Unless there is something else I should get back to duty, I have to finish my lesson plans for the rest of the week." Vorran replied

"Nope, nothing else. You're free to return to duty. Thank you for being prompt about this." Talia's bright smile was brought back as she saved the information on her screen and looked at him.

"Thank you doctor." Vorran got up from the biobed and exited the infirmary.


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