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Tempest, Part 1

Posted on Sun Sep 2nd, 2018 @ 2:27pm by Lieutenant Yzhara & Lieutenant Commander Tyler Vorran & Cadet Senior Grade Errowyn St. Cloud

Mission: Weathering the Storm
Location: Bridge, USS Wainwright

Vorran sat at his desk in the Academy facilities working on the never ending stack of evaluations. He hoped to take some time off soon as the cadet's training schedule had not left him much time to spend with Liam. Then an alert klaxon went off along with an announcement about an approaching ion storm. "Swell" Vorran muttered. He tapped his combadge "Vorran to Yzhara."

Yzhara was on her way back to her quarters after her shift on the Montreal. "Yzhara here. I just heard the announcement. What's our plan?"

"Let's round up the cadets as we may need them to help with evacuations if things get dicey. We also need to make sure all primary systems are secured on the Wainwright," Vorran said Ion storms can wreak havoc with transporters and power systems, last thing they needed was an EPS conduit overloading while the ship was in dock.

"Agreed," Yzhara replied over the comm. "I'm heading to the ship now. We should probably shut everything down to minimum power. It's not doing anyone any good with the ship docked anyway."

"I'll head that way with the engineering cadets to assist us. We shouldn't use the transporters as the Ion Storm approaches, I'd like to keep my molecules in one piece." Vorran replied over the comm.

"Ah, where's your sense of adventure? Besides, you keep letting those cadets man the transporter, you might end up there anyway," Yzhara answered with a smile, even if Vorran wasn't near enough to see. "I'll meet you there shortly."

"With the Ion Storm you'd likely have to deal with a mirror version of me which would be most unpleasant. I should be there in about 10 minutes provided there are no issues with the turbolifts." Vorran replied.

After a few moments, Yzhara stepped onto the bridge of the Wainwright. The ship was safely docked inside the station, but still had many of her systems online for use in training. Although they weren't out on an assignment, there were a few cadets running simulations when she arrived. She didn't waste any time while she waited on Vorran. "Alright, cadets. We have a storm coming in a few hours, and we need to prep the ship before taking shelter. What's our current status?"

Cadet Markleson looked up from her data pad. "Medical supplies are 3/4 stored. Three bio-beds are malfunctioning and are offline at the moment. Engineers say they will be up and running in 4 hours" She kept glancing up from her Data pad and back again as she looked through the relevant data.

"Disposing the last of contaminated bio-waste, Lab Projects that will be interrupted by lack of monitoring and loss of the containment fields. Finished transferring those that require recovery time and those in ICU to the stations hospital facilities shelters for this type of situation. Doctor Arguillie is upset that Cadet St. Cloud missed her annual check-up and on the warpath to locate her, Plus a few others." Markleson smiled as she wasn't in that situation. "Equipment is being secured, which will take another hour and forty-five minutes. The hand held stuff, that doctors and nurses like to pack around in their pockets."

Cadet Markleson looked up through her light brown hair, that she kept shoving back that always manage to get loose from the regulation ponytail. "Must be accounted for, since most are pre-prepped with narcotics that could be detrimental if it ends up in the wrong hands." She leaned back, raising her head as she shut off the Data Pad. She gave a big smile, "Cadet Marybeth Kincade just gave birth to a healthy baby girl." Nodding to signal she was finished and open to questions.

"Congratulations to Cadet Kincade," Yzhara replied. "But that's not going to help us much right now. Cadet Markleson, see to it that anything that any patients or medical equipment that needs to be moved off ship gets done." Yzhara's antennae twitched around the bridge, 'looking' for what cadets happened to be around. The Wainwright was not scheduled for any maneuvers, so the crew size was diminished. That was good and bad in their current situation. She gestured towards the cadet at the ops station, who like many others in the room, had turned to face her. "Cadet Reynolds, we're going to need to bring main systems offline. Coordinate with engineering and the science labs so we can shut down those experiments safely."

Cadet Markleson seeing that Yzhara attention was focused elsewhere, she made her escape into the turbolift. She smiled as it was a thrill to see the bridge of any ship, even the Cadet Training ship was still a ship of the line when called upon. Just the crew load out would be different. Instead of Cadets, there would be seasoned veteran crew running the show.

A burst of angry words erupted from the opening doors of the turbolift as two Cadets were in heated conversation of 'No. It was your assignment!" Followed by heavy insults on what may have been their linage and or possible descendance. Then came the wrestling match when they both tried to exit together at the same time. Voices yelling insults at each other when the first sucker punch was thrown and a full fledged fight broke out between the two; half on the turbo lift and half off. pressed tightly together in the doorway of the lift.

Yzhara spun on her heels to face the turbolift. In a booming voice louder than would have been expected from the lithe Aenar, she shouted above the commotion on the bridge. "THAT'S ENOUGH!"

The two warring Cadets froze and looked at Yzhara with looks of shock, slowly turning into embarrassment as their faces turn red. Still pressed together tying up the turbolift of being stuck. Their eyes shifted back and forth, seeing those on the bridge all looking their way. Somewhere on the bridge, came a snicker, soon followed by a giggle, then out right laughter at the predicament of the two stuck cadets. Two Cadets hurriedly jumped up and rushed over to help the two unfortunate Cadets. One getting shoved back inside, while the other was getting pulled out.

Yzhara watched this unfold, her arms crossed in frustration. She glared in the general direction of the turbolift, her cloudy eyes not really focusing on anything in particular, but it wasn't like she wasn't able to see them. Once they were free, she tilted her antennae toward them. "Well, what do you two have to say for yourselves? I can guarantee that a captain would not tolerate this kind of foolishness on the bridge. We have an emergency situation on our hands, and you can't even make it through a turbolift ride. I hope this was worth the comments that I will be adding to your files."

Both Cadets took a deep breath as the two who helped them get unstuck returned back to their station to resume their prepping of ship for the upcoming Ion Storm. The braver of the feuding two spoke up. "A situation of a lower classman refusing an order of an upper classman, which is me. Sir. *To deliver a message from the Station's Support.. engineering... Operation! That we're to keep our Warp Core online to help support the Station's Power Grid. It seams that the Ion Storm is much stronger than when it first was noticed." Giving the other a satisfied smirk, before regaining control of his body language back to professional neutrality.

The instructor's antennae twitched back and forth between them, her icy stare not looking directly at either. "We handle refusal to follow orders through the chain of command. So why did this devolve into a fight?"

"He insulted me by slandering my name by mispronouncing it by not responding to him, Sir." The other Cadet spoke with a dignity. "When I corrected him on it and refused to respond to his continued slandering of my name. Honor demanded that I use means to correct it."

"And Duty demands that you don't let personal issues get into the way of doing your jobs," Yzhara reprimanded. She sighed, trying not to let her annoyance with the situation get in the way of her other job, keeping these cadets safe. "Now, if you're finished defending your honor, we have jobs to do. Take your stations, cadets."

The turbolift doors opened and Vorran entered the Bridge at the end of the exchange. "Am I interrupting something?"

Yzhara shook her head. "Not at all, Commander. The only incident of note is that Cadet Kincade has had her baby. A little girl." Vorran probably knew Yzhara well enough to know that something had happened, but her avoidance of the issue was a clue that she felt it was under control.

The two Cadets slightly looking worried, hurried to their post to begin their jobs in prepping the ship as the other Cadets were doing.

Lieutenant Commander Tyler Vorran
Senior Instructor

Lieutenant Yzhara
Flight Instructor

Cadets by Ensign Jenna Steel and Samanthia Akiashiro


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