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Posted on Mon Apr 30th, 2012 @ 3:55pm by Staff Sergeant Snow Hill

Mission: The Mystery Men of Mira
Location: Marine Barracks

The Marine Officer on duty at the barracks had been dutifully filling out the paperwork and filing off the resources when the doors opened revealing two Marines, one looking rather worse for wear than the other, both equally looking ragged and slightly worn. The officer looked up, short cropped brown hair and a thick nose seemed to identify him. He raised an eyebrow and put down the tablet he was working on.

"What in Roddenberry's name happened to you two!?" Normally the marine would have been more concerned but he recognised Washington mostly for her posture and authoritative aura, "Wait...don't tell me. I fear I might hear something I shouldn't." Kyoko and the Marine she was leading, who looked a little unfamiliar, although it was precisely that marine of which the Officer had been working on. As he returned to the document he made another comment, loud enough for Kyoko to hear as she was walking past him with the marine, "Do I have to remind you about personal relationships?"

Kyoko's face reddened and she whipped around. Her eyes narrowed as if she intended to kill the man, "For your information I was trying to..." The other marine put his hand on Kyoko's shoulder and shook his head slightly, "find new routes through the starbase?" The other marine smiled as her voice raised at the end turning it into a question. The officer whom had been expecting a more...aggressive come back looked at the two carefully not having a prepared enough comeback himself.

"You'll want to avoid bulkheads in future, they're actually tougher than the heads of most of the marines around here."

"Thanks." Sergeant Winter responded carefully.

"And one more thing, the medic is on leave, you'll need the sick bay if you want your hands to be able to hold a rifle any time soon." Winter glanced up, the man seemed to know what he was doing, which surprised him, most officers working in the barracks didn't really give a damn.

"I'll get right on it, sir."

"Fifth on the left, you've got your own room for now." Both Washington and Winter stood to attention and then dismissed themselves departing for Winter's new room. They entered and Winter shut the door behind him. Kyoko visibly breathed a sigh of relief before spinning around on her heel coming face to face with the Sergeant.

"This," She said sternly, "Is your room, inside the barracks. I doubt you'll be spending much time here but get familiar with it, I'm not going to be holding your hands forever, got it?" It wasn't really a question as she dug her finger into his chest, "Now...I have to go and get my jacket, be ready in five and I'll take you to the sick bay." With that the Corporal departed, making sure to close the door behind her leaving Winter once again alone however this time he was more accepting. This was going to be where he'd probably spend a third of his time while he were here, all things going well. He also noted that his luggage had already been brought in.

Sifting through it, Winter didn't have many possessions that were unique to him, except a kodachi, like a katana except a few inches shorter in the blade. Hanging it up, he proceeded to zip up his carry all again. Taking a breath the room had been thoroughly cleaned before hand, not usually a good sign. Still, he turned around, opened the door and stepped out leaving his own jacket on the bunk behind him. It seemed however, Kyoko had been faster than him and stood, tapping her foot, arms crossed, waiting with a stern expression across her face and without a word to Winter, set off only glancing back to check that he were following her.



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