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Starting the Operation

Posted on Sun May 26th, 2013 @ 5:01pm by Captain Liarra Von & Commander Brian Ratchford & Lieutenant Commander Sean O'Connell & Lieutenant Commander Le Austin & Major Alexandria Somers

Mission: Reindeer Games
Location: Carthage Bridge, orbit of Garus IV

The Garus system was not a heavily populated system by any means. Most of the worlds orbiting its small blue star were gaseous, though the fourth planet was more considerably rocky. A smaller planet, only 30% of its surface was covered in water. Away from the shores, it was considerably more arid. Garus IV served only as a research station and light resupply for smaller starships. Its remote location meant that there would be little space traffic to interfere with Starfleet’s exercises.

The tranquility of the system was disrupted by the sudden arrival of a starship. Its presence was unannounced and unexpected. As far as the main outpost’s sensors were concerned, this was a Bajoran freighter. However, direct visual contact told the true tale. The gleaming silver hull of the Excelsior class USS Carthage gave her away to anyone looking out a window. Her captain hoped to be out of the system before anyone could get the chance.

“Lieutenant, reduce speed to thrusters only. Bring us to within maximum transporter range. “ Liarra was leaning forward in her chair, gazing into the main viewscreen. “No need to get any closer than necessary.”

Exeter manipulated the controls of the large ship to bring it slowly closer towards the planet, but in such a path as to make it seem casual and non-threatening - and hopefully none-too-interesting - to anyone who may be looking at the blip of the 'Bajoran freighter' on the scanners. "Approaching maximum range, captain," he said, his voice calm as he concentrated on the controls.

Commander Von activated the comm panel in the armrest of the command chair. “Bridge to transporter room. Is the Away Team standing by?”

- Transporter Room -

Naomi was now kitted out in prototype matte black combat armour, she sported a standard Hand Phaser and Phaser Rifle and was going through the checklist with her Squad, when a Communications came in from the bridge.

=/\=Bridge to transporter room. Is the Away Team standing by?=/\=

Tapping her Commbadge =/\= Omega Squad is Ready =/\= She said then looked to O'Connell "Commander?" she said then looked at the Marines "okay people set weapons to stun" She said as O'Connell was responding to the Captain's Hail.

=/\= "Aye, they are"=/\= Sean shook his head as he looked at the marines.

“Good. We’ll be beaming you down shortly. Remember, phasers on stun. Try not to bring attention to yourselves. Let us know as soon as you have the doctor. Good luck.”

=/\= Thank you Captain, Griffiths out =/\=

Sean looked at Griffiths and frowned.

"Okay you got out you hunting gear, but the ruse is that we are on a simple inspection of the facility. Beaming down with a truck load of marines does tend to raise a few eyebrows think 'away team' so dump the gear pick two marines and we beam down as a standard away team. Standard procedure is hand phaser and tricorder, captain Griffiths."

Looking at the Commander "Aww shucks" She said placing down her excess gear and looking at the Marines "You and you, the rest return to the Marine Ready Room and someone drop our excess kits off for us please" She said as her two chosen Marines took off their extra kit and handed it to the other Marines who were ready to depart, the last to leave took Naomi's pack as she looked at O'Connell "happy commander?" She asked.

=/\= "One minute captain I am beaming down with a standard away team beaming down with a squad of marines armed to the teeth is a bit overkill. besides it's just a tag and grab." =/\=

"Agreed, Commander. Try to keep a low profile. A squad of marines beam down and the station is sure to alert the Jackal. We'll keep them on standby just in case."

Liarra looked to her engineering officer. “Lt. Le, keep an eye on the sensors. I want a fair warning if we have any company.

"So far, so good Captain," Austin replied with a nod. "Hopefully it'll stay like that," He added with a grin.

The CO took a deep breath. Now it was time to wait.

Commander Liarra Von
Commanding Officer
USS Carthage

Lt. Commander Sean O'Connell
Chief Security Officer
USS Carthage

Lieutenant Le Austin
Chief Engineer
USS Carthage

Captain Naomi Griffiths
Mission Advisor
USS Carthage

Lieutenant JG John Exeter [NPC - Ratchford]
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Carthage


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