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Let's Get Moving

Posted on Tue Jan 7th, 2014 @ 9:44pm by Lieutenant JG Allison Price & Commander Jordan Gunning & Lieutenant Augustus Deakin & Captain Vahn Drayel

Mission: Fate of the Angels
Location: Main Bridge, USS Beyla
Timeline: MD01 - 0946hrs.


The turbolift doors opened in front of Gunning and Deakin, revealing the Secondary area of the Docking Bay. The Garrison vessels of Starbase 332 hung in their docking ports, powered down and sleeping. Only one, the Wallace-class USS Beyla, stood powered up.

"Cute, isn't it?" Gunning asked Deakin, wondering if he had ever described anything as cute before. "Doesn't have the teeth of the Defiant but she can still handle herself."

Deakin peered out at the Beyla. He'd never seen this class of ship before, so he reserved his judgment on it. "I don't know if 'cute' is the right word, mate," he said.

As they reached the docking port, he stepped aside for the Lieutenant. "After you."

The Marine Captain had to stoop as he entered the docking bay. He saw two Starfleet Officer's ahead of him, heading into the Beyla. One was only slightly shorter than Drayel himself, and carried himself like a seasoned Marine. The other Drayel recognized as the station's Chief Strategic Operations Officer. The Marine followed the duo into the ship. "Commander," he rasped, his blue eyes shifting to the older man. "Lieutenant," he said.

"Captain Drayel." Gunning replied by way of a greeting. "Don't worry, Lieutenant. If things go South, the Captain here will be able to kill them from half a mile away."

Even after all these years, Gus immediately felt the instinct to salute the marine captain; it was hard to ignore that kind of training. Instead, he reached out his hand and shook his hand like peer officers. "Good to meet you, Captain."

"Yeah, come to think of it I don't know if that's a reassuring thing or not."

Drayel eyed the Commander carefully. They had met, once, he thought. Gunning. Drayel would reserve judgment - and ire - until he had a chance to know the man. "So?" he started as the three made their way down the narrow, dimly lit corridor towards the ship's bridge. "What are the mission parameters, sir?"

"Mission parameters aren't completely defined at this time. Could be salvage, could be search and rescue." Gunning replied as they reached the hatch. "I'll give you a full briefing when Ensign Price arrives. In the mean time, are you tactical trained?"

Drayel nodded. "It's been awhile," he said, "but yes, I am."

"Fantastic!" Gunning patted the giant marine hard on the shoulder and instantly regretted it.

Drayel shot the Commander a look and lofted a brow. He felt his dislike meter slowly tilt. "Quite an arm you have there, Commander," he warned. "With so much strength, we might be better off throwing you at the enemy."

"An Intelligence Chief I used to work with once tried that with me." Gunning chuckled as he crossed to the Command Chair. "Didn't work out quite as she'd planned."

The young engineer hurried around the corridor to catch up with the rest of the team, her tool kit slung over her shoulder. "I'm sorry I'm late sir. I was on the Jackal. What seems to be the problem?"

"No problem as yet, Ensign." Gunning replied as the young woman dropped her kit by the engineering station. "I've transmitted the USS Telford's preliminary report to your stations. As you can see they've picked up the trace of a ship on Bellatrix Two. The exact source is unknown. Captain Von wants us to check it out, offer assistance if it's recent, and see if we can utilise any scrap if it's not. Simple as that. Any questions?"

Deakin spoke up, "Yeah," he said. "Did they detect anything specific about this 'non-indigenous alloy'? If we knew the composition, we may at least be able to identify who built the ship."

"Unfortunately not. The long range sensors on the Telford have been downgraded to allow an additional short range sensor palette for orbital surveys. The detection they got allowed them to detect that something was different to the previous scan but not much else. That's where we come in, we should be able to identify it as we come into orbit."

Drayel sighed heavily as he stowed his pack on the floor and took his spot at tactical. So this could be a huge waste of my time, he thought.

Allie made her way to the engineering console and sat down her tool kit. She took a moment to study the report waiting for her. "It sounds simple enough."

"Well, it's going to take us thirty six hours to reach the Bellatrix system so we'd better get underway. Would you do the honours, Lieutenant?" Gunning asked, motioning toward the CONN.

Deakin shrugged and moved over to the CONN, "Sure thing, Commander," he said as he sat down. "But you may wish you brought along a proper pilot in about three minutes."

Of course, he was having fun, Gus was fully qualified to operate the helm of a starship and had flown plenty of spacecraft of varying sizes over the years. He tapped away at the console, disengaging the docking clamps and powering up the thrusters to take them out. "Ready when you are, sir."

"All right." Gunning replied casually. "Let's get moving."


Commander Jordan Gunning
Chief Strategic Operations Officer

Lieutenant Augustus Deakin
Chief Operations Officer

Marine Captain Vahn Drayel [NPC: Vendenje Kamdram]
Fox Company Commander, 14th Battalion

Ensign Allison Price [NPC: Liarra Von]
Engineering Officer


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