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Day All Her Own

Posted on Wed May 21st, 2014 @ 6:17pm by Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: Vagrants, Vagabonds, and Thieves
Location: SB - 332 // Deck 1403 Akiashiro Deck

Samanthia woke up and stretched, feeling relaxed as she rolled from the warm bed and moved to the refresher. Padding quietly on bare feet, entered the refresher for her morning ritual in getting ready for the day. Showering, prepping herself with proper grooming and then returned into her bedroom, wondering what to wear for the day.

Pausing to slip on fresh underclothes, stretched delightfully. Looking at herself in the full length mirror. Then she moved over to the closet and pulled out a nice dark blue knee length skirt and a light blue blouse. She quickly put them on. double checking her appearance, moved bare foot into the common room, passing through to the kitchen to fix herself a simple yet nourishing breakfast.

Listening to soft music and swaying to the beat as she fixed breakfast and eating it. She quickly cleaned up after herself. Once done, left her apartment on Deck 1403, Akiashiro Deck. Moving gracefully through the corridors, semi lost in thought.

Raphiel Akiashiro approached her, smiling, "We should have the Lounge Restaurant repaired in a few days. But don't hold me to it. Dang Fleet Engineering are always sticking their nose into our work!" Scowling a bit looking down at his PaDD and back up to her.

Samanthia didn't know how to respond to that. "Well.. once the hologrid gets in place, there should be no more interference from them." Coming to a stop near him. Nodding to Aikiko, who was standing silently next to him and getting one in return.

"Well, they've failed to uphold their end of the bargain and getting us killed off with their interference in the sector. Should let the Merchant Consortium run things in this sector and there would be no trouble with Sojourners, nor the the other star league that Fleet are so afraid of!" Raphiel was on his soapbox again.

"They originally did make the station, Elder," Samanthia spoke softly. "And do provide the munitions for the weapon systems on board."

"Bah! We can make them here with ease and provide defense for the station. Besides, we moved the station under the agreement of us running the station. Not them. Just a small contingent of Fleet personnel. Not having Three ships and marines running all over the place!" He growled in fine form.

"Papa!" Aikiko spoke as Samanthia spoke also, "Elder!" Both looked at each other, motioning for the other to speak and spoke at the same time again, "We heard this...." Then laughed softly as Raphiel looked at them both, opened mouth. Samanthia stopped letting Aikiko speak as she closed Raphiel's mouth shut gently. " ..All before. One of us need to go have a talk with the station commander and remind them of Federation agreement with the Merchant Consortium."

Raphiel looked thoughtful, then spoke. "Let me write up what I know better."

"Just keep to the facts, papa," Aikiko spoke in her soft voice in her usual patient manner. "So that we can plan our assault on the Fleeters!" Getting a nod of support from Samanthia.

"Aikiko and me will get together to plan our strategy to present our case in a most logical manner." Samanthia returned Aikiko's smile.

Raphiel nodded and moved off with Aikiko following. She reached out and gave Samanthia's hand a quick squeeze as she passed her.

Samanthia returned the squeeze and continued on her way through the central portion of Deck 1403 towards the central core of the station, where the turbo lift was located. ~~Nice going Sammy~~ to herself as she waited for the turbo lift to show. It had to be one of those days as she glanced at her watch on her wrist. It was shift change time.

Sighing softly, Samanthia moved and sat in one of the chairs and waited till shift change rush was over with. Looking around spotting Tamarue with her entourage of aides, nurses, and whom ever was seeking favor from her. She gave a discrete wave to her, getting one in return as she dealt with those around her.

When the rush was over, she got on the turbo lift and went on up to the Promenade with Tamarue and her group still vying for attention. She kept quiet and let Tamarue alone as she thought about taking the day off from the Lounge and wander the promenade.


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