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Dream Assault

Posted on Fri Jun 5th, 2015 @ 3:30pm by Ensign Corrine Steiner & Enlisted Cadet Jasmine [P: Steiner]

Mission: Pandemic [Incomplete]
Location: Quarters, USS Carthage
Timeline: Deep of the night


Ens. Steiner awakened to her door chiming in the middle of the night. but ship's computer didn't identify the visitor. She removed the small oxygen tubing that poked up into her nostils and set it aside. Cinching up her gown, she walked to and opened the door. "Yes?"

A man stood there, gazing in fixed eye contact. Not offering a word of introduction or explanation, he simply walked into her quarters.

She looked at his rank pips, "Excuse me! I don't know what planet you come from, but any fleet lieutenant would have had officer training in courtesy!"

He noticed her oxygen tube with small nebulizer dispenser, "You're much healthier than you were... stronger."

The only ones who could know this were the black ops who hunted her. Threatened, she ordered, "Computer! I need security... Now!"

There was no response. The man chuckled, "Don't waste your breath." He leaned back against the bulkhead, arms folded. "You need to stop running, Corrie. Hiding out at a desolate outpost is very selfish of you. Your gift is badly needed."

Corrine looked around, listening to her senses. "I'm dreaming! This is all a dream! And you're some skunk ops telepath dispatched to harass me!"

"Congratulations, Corrie. Usually I'm able to suppress dream realization in my subjects."

Upset, she whispered, "You arrogant teep! You have no respect for sentient dignity!"

He shrugged, "Okay. I'll accept that." He then stepped closer, "You're right, it doesn't concern me. What does concern me is strategic resources, and you're one of them."

"Not yours!"


"I am Ensign Steiner!"

"Fine. You're also going to return to where you belong."

She shook her head and gritted teeth, "When I wake up, I'll show YOU what-" She backed up fearfully as his eyes became cold and threatening.

"No. You won't. You... will not remember this dream. You... will not recognize me again."

Her whole body shook with terror and her mind started to become disoriented.

Suddenly, however, the man was engulfed in an agonizing crackle of energy. He screamed and fell to the floor writhing. A moment later, he vanished. The dreamscape of her cabin vanished into a blackness, and there stood Jasmine. The Akazian orb returned to her hand and vanished.

Trembling, Corrie stared at her, "You... YOU! You're part of this black ops game! I trusted you!" Tears flowed and her voice cracked, "You're nothing but a teep mole here to play tug of war over me!"

Jasmine approached with a kindly look. "No. I told you, I'm not telepathic."

Corrie gestured around with exasperation, "Excuse me! Dreamscape! Must be teep!"

The small female drew close. Her features weren't quite so PFH, pass-for-human, here. "I told you, Shokirians are symbiotic. You and I share a special kind of unity."

Corrine quickly calmed.

Jasmine asked, "You what quantum entanglement is."

She nodded, "Two particles share a common existence even though separated by distance."

"Yes. What you and I share isn't terribly unlike quantum entanglement. What happens to you in some way will affect me."

"You... you're not here on the Carthage?"

Jasmine chuckled sweetly, "No. Right now, I'm asleep on USS Wainwright."

Corrine finally relaxed, trembling from shock. "Really." She chuckled, "Okay... how are things going over there?"

"So far, so good. Pretty routine."

"So! Am I to expect you as my regular dream visitor?"

Jasmine shook her head slightly with closed eyes, "No. I can't control it like that. I react to your needs, to your condition." She gave Corrie an embrace.

Ens. Steiner woke up in her bed, this time into reality. She took a deep breath, inhaling the floral extracts gently vaporing into her nostrils via the oxygen tubes. She felt emotionally shaken, but not debilitated. She picked up her combadge from the nightstand, "Security, I was just assaulted by a telepath. Get someone down here and prepare for an arrest."

There was only a moment of hesitation, =^=Right away, ma'am!=^=

Corrine knew that Fleet would yank the operative out of their hands and whisk him away with orders to not discuss the matter. However, she also knew this would cause considerable flap up the command food chain. Heavy reprimands and disciplinary action would ensue. She smiled, realizing that even if Fleet ordered her silence, they didn't know that Jasmine was involved. And Jazz was quite gifted in spreading helpful, exposing rumors.



Ens. Corrine Steiner
npc Evil Black Ops Telepath {boo! hiss!}
Cadet Jasmine

USS Carthage - Starbase 332
Pegasus Fleet


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