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Slipping through the Cracks

Posted on Tue Oct 20th, 2015 @ 11:45pm by Kestarah K'Mara

Mission: By Dawn's Early Light
Location: Entrance to the station
Timeline: way before anything current is happening

Kes stood in line, waiting for her turn to enter the starbase. She was here to do a job, not to stand in a long line to "check in."

She turned and watched as someone "disappeared" next to a wall. Interesting, she thought.

She turned and faced the Person behind her. "Excuse me. I need to catch up with my friend. She's over there," Kes remarked as she pointed to a gaggle of people who were not in line but at the same time, not in a hurry to get into the line.

"Up to you but you won't get your place in line again."

She told him in Klingon what he could do to himself and how he was to do it. If this had been a vacation, she might have turned him into a humanoid pretzel.

Once out of line, she walked over to the group she had indicated just to make sure that targ behind her wasn't watching.

"I heard the CO of this place was a tribble."

"Then I hope that there is enough food for everyone else. Tribbles can eat you out of house and home."

"Yeah! The only thing who can out eat a tribble is a human teenaged boy! They will eat anything that isn't tied down."

"So do tribbles."

"Maybe the CO is half tribble."

One youngster in the group looked up. "Everyone knows that tribbles don't reproduce like that."

Kestarah just shuttered. Everyone knows that Klingons and tribbles didn't mix. Her Klingon side revolted at the idea. She had to find our! If the CO was indeed a tribble, Kes was in big tribble with that particular tribble.

From her new stand point, she watched as a couple of more people walked over to two points and vanished. Fortunately, Kes wasn't in uniform. She got the best info from unsuspecting folks when she wasn't in uniform.

The tribble talk made her want to get into the top secret, super secret CO files. The CMO had to know this about the big boss. You couldn't hide from the CMO.

Kestarah wanted to laugh at that thought. She had managed to avoid that one department at every one of her postings so far. Her medical records had to look chaotic at best. Not her problem.

Moving over to one of the spots, she faced the wall. She gently pressed her fingers around, checking for moving panels. If someone had created this for some reason, it had to be impervious to the station engineers.

Works for me she thought. It took her forever, although in reality about 45 minutes, to find the hidden latch. To turned to see who was paying attention to her. The targ had already been allowed into the SB. When her eyes and her security senses told her that no one was paying attention to the Klingon, she pushed the lever and entered into a.......


Kestarah K'Mara
Security Officer
Queen of Avoiding Sickbay
Troublemaker Extraordinaire


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