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Warp-12 Upgrades

Posted on Tue Jun 14th, 2016 @ 12:47pm by Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: Brave New World
Location: Promenade:: Warp-12

Promenade Deck

Warp-12 was back in business with a fresh stock of booze from around the known space.. The place looked pristine and fresh as if there hadn't been a major invasion onto the Star Base. It was just a matter of getting power to the holo-projectors and emitters that were already installed in the place. The new look was that of the Buckingham Palace Grand Ballroom with big open glass doors that opened out onto a terrace with scattered tables at nighttime with the observation window blending in with the nighttime sky. Instead of airplane flying over. It showed departing and arriving ship from across the galaxy. The Stage was off in a corner, yet could be seen and heard by all when lounge had live performances from the local talent.

There was a strong presence of armed Akiashiro Security looking like British Police Officers and Soldiers casually strolling amongst the place. There was several by the main entrance, looking very professional, but not as well disciplined as the real Palace Guards and were paired up. Waitresses and waiters were wearing typical maids and butler uniforms with a much more relaxed demeanors as they served patrons.

Soft music was playing by a local civilian group of musicians. Adding to the general relaxation after a horrendous invasion of the station. The Jazz number they was playing wafted through the room like a gentle breeze to add flavor to the soft buzz of conversation of the patrons.

Samanthia moved through the new set-up as she talked with those that survived about the horrors of the encounter. She added her little stories of how she was trapped in with the civilians in the safe areas for them to flee to in such circumstances. They commiserated with each other and it was a day of remembrance for those that were loss.

She moved on, looking over the place for minor discrepancies. Seeing very little that would be unnoticed, except to the trained eye. She wrinkled her nose as she gave it thought as she moved to help one of her waitresses with cleaning up and moving on continuing her round of the establishment before hitting the books.


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