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What was left behind

Posted on Sat Oct 15th, 2016 @ 11:36am by Major Alexandria Somers
Edited on on Sat Oct 15th, 2016 @ 11:41am

Mission: Shadows and Whispers
Location: Griffiths' Personal Quarters SB332/Shuttle Bay/Transport
Timeline: Stardate 239210.15 0700hrs Zulu


"Recently in the wake of the last senior staff meeting, I received a message that I am needed back on Bajor, it would seem that my grandmother on my mother's side has taken ill. Shortly after receiving this news I applied for an unspecified LOA stating due to personal and family issues I required some time off. I will leave a copy of the reply from SFMC HQ for Captain Von and another more personal message from myself"

Naomi paused as she accessed the reply from Starfleet and attached Von as a forwarding name.

Captain Von, please find a forwarded message from SFMC HQ on earth confirming my ELOA request, there is a copy of the one I sent and one of their reply.

FROM: Major Naomi Sylan Lanypa Griffiths SFMC, MCO Starbase 332 14th Batallion
STARDATE: 239210.01

SUBJECT: Request for Compassionate extended leave from service.


I would like to request leave for an indeterminate time on compassionate grounds, my grandmother on my mother's side has fallen very ill and I have received a message asking me to return to Bajor as she is not expected to live too much longer. So I humbly request some lengthy time to be with my family E.T.A on return unknown due to circumstances.

Your servant

Naomi Sylan Lanypa Griffiths
Major 14th Marine Batallion SFMC
Starbase 332

After she had attached her request Naomi went ahead and attached the response to it below.

TO: Major Naomi Lanypia Griffiths SFMC, MCO Starbase 332 14th Batallion
STARDATE: 239210.14

SUBJECT: REF: Request for Compassionate extended leave from service.

Major Griffiths

I am sorry to hear of your family troubles, I know being out on the edge of allied space is not easy for anyone in Starfleet, but after reading your request and double checking I will agree to your request on compassionate grounds for leave. To facilitate this I will assign you to rear echelon regiment to allow for your time away from the service. All that is now required is that you tender your resignation as MCO of Starbase 332 as soon as you can.

Again I would like to extend my condolences to you and to your family in this moment of sadness.


General McCleod
Sol Sector

"Side note to the Captain: So Captain as you can see the leave, has been granted, but I will attach said resignation shortly" "Computer pause recording"

She paused as she began to pack her belongings and other items while notifying transport that she will be needing someone to come and collect her stuff and ship it to Bajor.

"Continue personal log *pause* I have enjoyed my time here, but I hate to leave and to retain a position that I can no longer fill at this moment in time is wrong, so shortly after I finish my log I will attach my official resignation, so to speak to the personal log with instructions that said messages reach the Captain."

"Pause log"

She paused in her personal log to moved some more stuff and put it into crates, despite her length of time on 332 she had not acquired much in the way of personal belongings. If anything the largest amount of items was her clothes, most were still in pristine condition and still in their wrapping as she had never gotten around to wearing the items. All the clothing was earth and Bajoran retro styles, the Bajoran outfits were sombre but she tended to lean towards the more colourful earth retro clothes, she looked at the clock as she packed her weapons.

"Wow is that the time?" she asked herself and looked around and realised that apart from her toiletries everything was packed, so she contacted cargo control and they sent up some transport operatives who would go ahead and put the crates onto the next transport to Deep Space Nine where she would arrange for transport for her and her personal items be taken to her grandparents estate in the Kendra Province on Bajor.

"Computer continue Personal Log," she said and when the tone sounded she continued "I hope someday to return to active service, but immediate future I cannot see that happening. so it is with a heavy heart I need to leave Starfleet for a short time, Computer attached the following message to Captain Von along with other attached messages"


TO: Captain Lirra Von, CO SB332
FROM: Major Naomi Sylan Lanypa Griffiths SFMC, MCO Starbase 332 14th Batallion
STARDATE: 239210.15

SUBJECT: Resignation as MCO from SB332

"Captain Von, as advised by CinC SFMC I am hereby tendering my resignation as Marine Commanding Officer of Starbase 332 on the grounds of I am unable to continue in the position due to family issues. This resignation is from this date, I am sorry it has to be this way, but my family needs me as my grandmother is close to seeing the Prophets and my family requests my presence there. I wish I could have remained, but it is unfair for me to fill a position and post that I can no longer do with any certainty and so I send this note that I am stepping down and resigning from my duties and post of Marine Commanding Officer.

I hope to return someday, but for this moment in time I cannot remain so it is with a heavy heart I bid you farewell and may the Prophets be with you"

Naomi double checked her log and an unusual Log it was, it had three messages to be sent to the Captain, in the end, she adjusted the parameters and attached the Captain's name as a CC, so she would get the entire log, not just the three notes in it. Now with that sent and stored she packed her toiletries and placed them into her kit bag and signed a Padd to a newly arrived crewman who nodded his thanks and left.

She walked to the door and stood in the doorway keeping the doors open as she looked around her room and gave a small smile and then she exited onto the corridor and made her way to the shuttle bay. It was a relatively short walk and turbo lift ride to the Shuttle Bay she walked over to the Botswain, "Chief has my personal items been put aboard the waiting transport ship?"

He looked up and squinted at her all he saw was a marine Major with a lot of hair and blond, it was then her rank registered and he stood up a little straighter, but she was in his domain. "Who are you Major?" he asked and she looked at him and with a friendly smile "Major Naomi Griffiths formerly MCO of this Starbase, I am inquiring if my items have been ferried aboard the waiting transport,whistful," Griffiths said.

Now he really studied her and looked at his Padd "yes Major they have, shuttle 33567 is still boarding for your transport" the Botswain said and pointed to the shuttle "thank you Chief" she replied and headed down the ramp to the shuttle. She paused at the base of the shuttle and looked around, memories of her first day on the Starbase, was when she disembarked off a shuttle in this very bay, now she took one last look and wistful smile and walked up the ramp and was shown her seat.

Five minutes later the shuttle door closed and the ship lifts off, Naomi found that her main transport was one of those newer models, built for speed, it took only ten minutes for her shuttle to dock with the transport and another five for her to be assigned quarters. After that she went up to the observation deck which looked down on Starbase 332, she noted the few black spots where the engineers had not yet covered with paint after the Sojourner's assault on the Starbase. As she looked upon the facility probably for the last time she felt tears running down her cheeks, as the shuttle pulled away from the facility she saw the Starbase recede and she wiped away the tears and remained there until the transport went to warp, only then did she head to the bar to have a strong drink.


Major Naomi Sylan Lanypa Griffiths
14th Marine Batallion SFMC


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