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Posted on Fri Jan 7th, 2011 @ 4:25pm by Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: Ten Little Diplomats
Location: Warp 12

Samanthia, along with the night manager, took their time in going through all of the food that sat waiting on the stoves and food prep tables, scanning and double checking for "tainted" foods as the Chefs and staff fumed as they watched impatiently as the food slowy went to waste.

"Trash!" Samanthia spoke, pointing at a Cardasian dish, looking at the nearest cook with an angry expression and expecting an explaination at the same time as she glared at the man.

"The cook that was prepping the dish had fled with the Fleeter after him." The cook spoke sounding abit offended at being called on the carpet on the simplest reason of being the nearest one.

One of the cook's helpers rushed up and grabbed offending dish and scurried away with it to be incinerated along with the pan the food was in.

Samanthia nodded, accepting the explaination watching the dish being destroyed by the assistant. Turning back to the task at hand, finishing up the kitchen, letting the Cooks resume their tasks. Hearing the clatter and noise level return back to normal as ruined foods were disposed off and pans and pots being cleaned while they waited for the cold storage and pantry to be inspected.

It was tidious and time comsuming, but once it was done, Samanthia nodded her approval for food to be taken from the Pantry and Cold Storage. She moved to her office, brushing a few stray locks of hair out of her face and tucking them behind her ear.

At least she can tell the Medical Officer when she came back what she had found and the remedies she took to resolve the situation. She wrote up a report and filed one copy in her records and with Akiashiro's Offices to make sure there was a copy of it. Then sent another to the medical offices to let them know about the situation and how it was taken care of.


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