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Liason with Fleet?

Posted on Tue Jan 25th, 2011 @ 1:43pm by Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: Ten Little Diplomats
Location: Observation Deck 256
Timeline: 22:45 hrs

Samanthia moved into the Observation Deck, looking around the area at how so few people used these decks, except for big gatherings to have a breathtaking view of space for a few moments and then rush off to forget the view as the daily work drove the view from their minds. She never grew tired of looking out into space, wondering about the mysteries of what was out there.

She smiled as she debated a million times to re-join Fleet and get a shipboard assignment to explore those mysteries and to answer the siren's call of the stars.

"Samanthia? I need you to meet with Commander Jordy..." Samanthia sighed as she was here only to help the Clan out. Looking at her reflection in the gleaming panel of a full wall plaque of those that served the station with exceptional call of duty beyond what was required or expected of them to do. Both Fleet and Civilian names were listed with their deeds of heroics, immortalized for as long as this station exist. "you need to wear something abit and loose... She shook her head at the way Frederick was embarressed to even mention that to her that implied the meeting was more than a simple meeting.

She liked the way dress accented her features, even enhancing them, but it wasn't something she would've worn given the choice. It was abit chilly in the big room, as the clock numbers changed towards the deadline to meet Commander Jordy. She sighed softly and moved over towards the spot to meet with the Commander.

She came to a stop, recognizing her old menter from a time she would like to forget. Ruined several possible friendship. It wasn't Commander Jordy, she was suppose to meet. He was just an excuse to lure her up here for this meet.

"Greeting Isotep," Samanthia spoke softly coming to a stop near the taller man wearing a simple business suit that blended in with a million others and soon forgotten. Seeing the greying hairs at the temples and flat lifeless grey eyes come in contact with her.

"Still the ever shy girl approach, yet to lure men to their doom," He gave a soft chuckle. "I see you've moved on to another station and being quite successful. Never thought to use Holo-deck technology to furnish an establishment. Easy to change at the ever changing fashions to draw in the crowds."

"Thank you, Sir." Samanthia smiled. "Power supply isn't all that demanding, easy on the expences when there is a barfight. Furniture is easily to repair..." Samanthia smiled softly. "What brings you all the way out here?"

Moving along slowly at her side as they wandered along the big view port as a couple enjoying a after hours stroll. "I need your help in something."

Samanthia looked up at the taller man beside her, "last time I helped cost me my friendship with a Starbase Commander, which would've been more of a boon for you guys." retorted sharply, while keeping her voice low and soft to prevent being over heard.

Isotep paused as he looked down at her, eyes narrowing abit. "You? Why wasn't I informed at the time?"

"I was still greiving over the loss of my family back on SB 12." turning to continue to walk along side him as he resumed moving, "and there was more pressing matters of that secret research base that we was called to investigate and the information you guys didn't want to be exposed to everyone in Fleet."

"Touche'," He smiled. "I take it you took a glimpse at the information?" casually placing an arm around her shoulder, like he was succeeding in his goals for something more.

"Had to make sure that your info didn't fall into the wrong hands. And they had to have to retrieve something for their visit to that base." Samanthia smiled softly, making it look like they was disgussing something totaly different to a casual observers.

"I knew I should've recruited you fully into the Organization." Isotep nodded as he looked at her again, smiling at her. ~~She is a sharp woman. Maybe I should go ahead and recruit her fully under my personal command~~ He thought, pointing out into space, and abit louder as another couple approached them from the oppisite direction, "That star pales in comparison to your beauty, Samanthia."

Samanthia smiles at the compliment, replying, "You say the sweetest things." Giving the couple a nod and smile as they pass each other. "I dont have the same beliefs as you do or support it." As they resumed their stroll along the walkway near the veiwing window, watching a ship pass overhead, heading towards deep space.

"You can do alot for the Federation by working for us. Even though our beliefs in matters collide. We also look after the Federation interests and goals." Isotep gave one of his charming smiles that brought very little warmth to his eyes.

Samanthia gives a lopsided smile to Isotep, "That is why I dont want to be associated with your group. The taint and loss of reputation." She moved out from under his arm.

He gave a soft chuckle at her niavete'. If she only knew the real truth behind S-31, she would be more than willing, but then that would give her power that could be misused. "It would be in more of a support position, Samanthia. Not intelligence gathering or other distastefull things that would be left up to others."

Samanthia paused next to a replicator dispencer and got herself a drink and him one also and moved to one of the tables that dotted the area with a good view. She lookled at Isotep and blinked as she took a drink to give her time to think.

"What role would that be?" Taking the bait to farther the conversation to see what came of it.

Isotep smiled abit as he listened and took a sip of his drink, "As I said, support role. A safe house so to speak." Letting her take a peek at what was going to be expected of her. Watching her closely.

Samanthia nodded slowly as she realized how Frederick and her been played by these people. "What would prevent me from turning in your agents to the local authority?"

"Be kinda hard when you dont know the situation that the person in and nor have any evidence against the person." Isotep smiled at Samanthia ingenuity.

"If I accept your proposal... and invite the stranger into my home for a stay. Will they be informed I'm off limits and not to be messed with?" Samanthia looked him in those dead eyes of Isotep, trying to read them, but was failing miserable.

"That I can only inform, but not control their actions once they arrive. If they step out of line by doing something that you dont like, pass the information on to me and I'll deal them." Isotep gave a sopft smile that could mean anything.

Samanthia took another sip of her drink, shifted in her seat, mind drifting that she should've worn something more comfortable as the chill of the room became more noticeable. "I'll get back to you on that, Isotep," As she stood up. "Is there anything else?"

He stood up also. "Let me know what you decide," handing over a small com's device, "Just press that once and I'll arrange a meeting." He strolled off, leaving Samanthia alone, holding the device.

She turned and left the Observation Deck, heading back to her quarters, lost in thought. She missed those exciting days of running behind enemy lines aboard a spy ship. But she sighed as she realized that this was probaly the best. At least she could move on to another station or get a berthing aboard a fleet ship as Lounge Manager.


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