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The Seduction - Beginnings

Posted on Sun Jan 29th, 2012 @ 1:30am by Samanthia Akiashiro

Mission: The Invasion of Thane
Location: SB-332

Temp Quarters

"How about deck 1403?" The male Ritorain spoke softly to his parnter. "It belongs to the Akiashiro Clan. According to the deck information." Looking at the lit screen of the console in the semi-darkened room that was vacant waiting for it's perminent occupants. "They have alot of vacant apartments."

The first brought up the floor occupancy after a brief struggle with the security systems of the computer to obtain the occupancy listing of that floor. "They do allow outsiders onto their floor." Pointing to the screen. "It's apperantly that the female married into the clan and lost her mate. She runs the Warp-12 on their recreational and shopping decks."

"You could become her lover," The Female Ritorian spoke softly, looking at him. "She is quite pretty and will make an excellent serveant once we regain Archon System back." Smiled at her sibling and getting one in return from him.

"I like the way you think, Sister." He looked thoughtful. "But will she be contaminated with their propaganda?" Looking thoughtful at the picture of Samanthia.

"Only way to find out is to get to know her." She nodded as she stood up to stretch abit, hating hiding under the robes and hood to disguis her features.

He admired her physique and felt the stirrings of himself. It was getting close for him to find relief. "How do I explain to her in wearing of the robes to keep myself covered?" Speaking thoughtful as he leaned back in his seat, letting her see his arousel.

"Mmmmmm..." Looking him over, before moving away, pretending to miss his desire for her, "say it is the custom of our people for being single amongst the other spacefaring species." She put her robes back on and tossing him his robes. "I'm sure you'll be quite convincing."

He nodded as he stood up and put on the robes to hide himself once again into the protective covering. "I'm sure you'll want to share my success?" Smirking at her as they both raised their hoods to become once more anominious.

She giggles huskily, "Of course. I have to make sure she is worthy to be our property. She is quite a catch. I am surprised she hasn't re-mated again." Leading the way towards the room's exit. Once again leaving the room sanitized of their presence.


Moving slowly and together, staying quite close to each other to prevent seperation, made their way down the busy walkway, watching the antics of the lesser beings at rest and relaxation. One could get used to this carefree atmosphere that the Humans brought with them into space. They was industrial and viscious when it came to war, yet were very vibriant when it came to their personal time, like playful untrained caniods ( Retirian canine monkeys). Making loud noises and moving quickly from one situation to the next. Always on the move, interacting making war on each other through words and physical means. Even their games were based on violence.

He felt the nudge from his partner and looked in the direction she pointed out to him. He scowled unseen from within the hidden folds of the hood at her display of flesh. But soon will be his to command if things went according to plan. But these humans were so unpredictable.

She felt her brother tence up when he looked in the direction of their desired target. "Easy, we're here to seduce, not to teach these fools their infidels ways. Once we regain this sector and this station of theirs... they'll learn to be more productive, instead of wasting their time with antics of the caniods!" Softly spoken to her brother as she laided a comforting hand on his back to calm him down.

"We should've brought a PWG (Pacification Wave Generator) with us! It would've been much quicker!" He hisses as he felt his sister's touch, regaining control of his emotions.

They split apart with her hovering nearby to keep an eye out on her brother and their new target as he made his stealthy approach towards Samanthia.

Samanthia was leaning against the railing looking at the level below her, watching several couples horsing around, having a good time. Sighing softly as she turned around and ran right into the concealed Ritorian. "Ooof!" Hastily reaching out to prevent him and her go tumbling to the floor.

He was shocked at the sudden movements of her and before he could respond, she ran right into him and now was grabbing onto him to prevent both from going to the ground. He involuntaried growled at her touch of his robes which thankfully still kept him concealed. "Careful! Release me at once!" He commanded sharpily at her.

Samanthia eyes widen at the commands, immediatly let go of the covered male. "I apologyze. I didn't know you was there!" Politely exclaims, moving back a step away from the covered man.

"Mmmmphpt! At least you can have the ...the pleasure of letting buy you a meal and drink, Miss." The Ritorian offered, thinking about the mission of succeeding than having an Infidel touching him without his permission.

Samanthia looked at him for a long moment, then nodded slowly. "I would appreciate it." Looking up at him, but not seeing through into the darkness of the cowl...


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