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Arrival 2

Posted on Tue Aug 2nd, 2016 @ 1:07am by Lieutenant Commander Tyler Vorran & Lieutenant Commander Le Austin & Lieutenant JG Liam Harrison

Mission: Brave New World
Location: Starbase 332- Landing Bay
Timeline: After arrival 2. Current

The Vorran's Folly was being guided into the bay by a tractor beam. Tyler sat at the controls with Liam in his lap as they took in the view. "Guess we are making an entrance." Tyler said to Liam quietly.

As the shuttle was being drawn in to the Starbase, an audible buckling could be heard from the bulkheads. Liam looked up and around and then focused on Tyler. "Yeah, we really need to get this things fixed up before we take our trip down to the planet. I don't think we'd survive an atmospheric entry in this bucket of bolts. No offense, of course," he said placing a kiss on the tip of Tyler's ridged nose.

Tyler grinned, he felt a warmth spread from his nose to the rest of his body after Liam kissed him. "I think we'll have plenty of time to fix up my wreck of a ship. It's gotten us this far at least."

"Yeah, this far but no farther," Liam said as the shuttle approached the open bay doors. As it slowly began its decent onto the hangar's floor, Liam moved back to his own seat and began to fully shut off the shuttle's systems. "It's crazy how big this thing is. The only starbase I've ever been inside is that rusty old Klingon one," Liam commented looking around out the shuttle's window.

Tyler looked out the window as well at the starbase as it got closer to them. "According to the specifications, it's like a self contained city in there complete with shops, shipyards, and restaurants. "

Liam smirked as he hopped up from his seat and ran towards the back of the shuttle, pressing a button on the keypad to open the rear door. "Well, let's go explore, shall we?" he asked with a smirk as he picked up his two duffel bags.

"Sounds like a plan. Hopefully the starbase operations staff can get this mess sorted out." Tyler said as he pointed at the flying wreck he called his ship.

As the two disembarked, they heard someone nearby shouting, "What the hell did they do to my bay? Who are these people? Have they lost their damn minds!?"

"I was right we did make an entrance" Vorran muttered to Liam as he turned to face the direction of the shouting.

"Looks like it..." Liam said as he stepped out from the shuttle and onto the shuttlebay floor. He slowly walked out, seeing the Bajoran man in gold, and knowing exactly who he was - Liam's new supervisor. What a great first impression.

Vorran walked up to the angry Bajoran officer. "Sorry about the mess the engines failed on the way in. I'm Tyler Vorran."

"You're... the... wait, the engines just... failed?" The Bajoran replied, seemingly shocked.

"I"m the new flight instructor, my fiancé and I thought it would be good to take my shuttle here." Then there was a small explosion from one of the shuttle's thrusters sending some of the deck crew running. "Well it didn't quite get us here all the way." Vorran replied with a shrug.

To his credit, Austin didn't flinch at the bursting engine, he just stared incredulously at Vorran. "You're the..." Austin burst out laughing. "The new flight instructor just crash landed rather spectacularly in my shuttle bay? Has anyone actually checked your qualifications?" He said, teasing.

"Any landing you can walk away from is a good one, besides your tractor beam softened the blow." Vorran replied

"Yeah, and blew out it's primary and secondary beam emitters in the process!" Austin replied, annoyed again. "Don't teach people to crash like that!"

"I intend to teach them how to fly not crash. Accidents happen though." Vorran replied

Liam sighed at the two and shook his head, but he couldn't help but smile. The whole situation was just amusing to him. He let out a small chuckle before he realized he was the only one who found it funny. He then looked up at the other two officers with an innocent smirk. "Look, sir. I'll personally see to it that whatever damage we've caused to the bay is repaired. But, to be fair, we are permitted this parking space. If my fiancee want's to crash his shuttle here, whether by intention or otherwise, so long as it doesn't affect the other craft or any personnel, we're completely fine."

"No you're not," Austin replied, pointing a finger at Liam, "The air above the floor is yours. The floor and the docking bay is mine. You broke my toys!" He said, then shooed them away, "Get out of my hangar bay before I move your parking space to the outer hull. I can do that you know, I'm very important. Get. Get!"

Vorran looked at Liam. "Maybe we should go until he cools off."

"Not cooling off, still contemplating murder," Austin quipped, still pointing adamantly toward to the door.

Liam laughed at his new boss' reaction. "Well then," he said as he wrapped his arm around Tyler. "I agree, let's go..." he said as he began to walk with Tyler out of the shuttlebay. It was kind of a bad way for Liam to start off his relationship with his superior, but it was nothing his charm couldn't fix.

"That went well...." Tyler muttered as he felt the heat from Liam's proximity. "Lets go find our quarters, I trust you remembered the Tholian Silk sheets?"

"Oh how could I forget?" Liam asked as he looked at Tyler with a smirk. This could work, the two of them making a life on the starbase. They had a lot of space and breathing room to do things how they wanted. And they were stationary, which would make things even easier.

Tyler stole a quick kiss from Liam and they proceeded to head toward their quarters.


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