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Room For Improvement

Posted on Wed Jul 13th, 2016 @ 9:49am by Commander Jordan Gunning & Lieutenant Commander Tyler Vorran

Mission: Lie Of Omission
Location: Lecture Theatre [Deck 577]
Timeline: One week after return to Starbase 332

"I'm never going to get this." A fair-haired cadet with dopey eyes and a slow Southern drawl told his friend as Jordan Gunning, dressed in a light grey suit with a deep purple tie, eavesdropped from the row behind. He watched Lieutenant Commander Tyler Vorran, the clean-cut, fresh-faced, instructor was coming to the end of the lecture but Gunning still caught a blazing glare pass through the two chatty cadets in front of him. He was clearly in no mood for nonsense.

The lecture ended with rumbles of conversation and the flipping of chairs as the young students gathered their bits and pieces and moved on. Gunning watched them all and tried to pick out the ones who would rush back to their dormitories to study and the ones who would be drunk within the hour.

He waited until the room had mostly cleared and moved down the shallow steps to where Vorran was getting ready to leave. "Commander, do you have a moment?"

Vorran studied Gunning curiously. "Of course..I don't believe we've met..mister?"

"Gunning." He remembered an old film he'd watched and smiled. "Jordan Gunning." He extended his hand to the Bajoran. But was he completely Bajoran - something about him told him no. "I'm wondering if you ever offer private flight lessons?"

Vorran took the man's hand. "Tyler Vorran. I've never been asked about private lessons actually."

"Well, consider yourself asked. I've heard good things about your abilities as a pilot and my skills," he hesitated, trying to pick the right words, "well I'm a fairly terrible pilot, especially for the size of ship I need to fly."

Vorran smiled. "Couldn't be any worse than my students right now, at least its just the simulators they are crashing. What kind of ship are you looking to fly?"

"A Romulan shuttle - well, a runabout I guess. I just picked it up from Traxx's place the other day and I can get from A to B but if I get myself into a sticky situation then there's a good chance I'll be as much use as a chocolate teapot." Jordan thought back to a particularly bad day returning to the Iapetus when his crewmates had been incapacitated and he had used Engineer Drex's shuttlebay floor like an anchor.

Vorran's eyes went wide as his excitement grew. "I've never flown a romulan shuttle but I'd like to give it a try. Send me the specs for your shuttle and I will try and create an accurate representation for one of the simulators."

"Fantastic. Naturally I don't expect you to do it for free though." Gunning had first hand experience of the 'reasonable pay' which Starfleet offered officers on frontier stations to enable them to trade for goods and services. "I'll make sure you're reimbursed for your time."

Vorran could definitely use the latinum to fix up his own shuttle which was decorating one of the starbase's landing bays. "You have a deal Jordan. Send me those specs and I'll have that simulation ready tomorrow."

"Fantastic! Thanks Tyler." Gunning turned on his heel - a good start to the day.

Lieutenant Commander Tyler Vorran
Flight Control Instructor

Jordan Gunning
Private Investigator


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