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Back On The Road Again

Posted on Tue Dec 28th, 2010 @ 2:38pm by Commander Dietrich Reinhart & Captain Liarra Von & Lieutenant Commander Nilani Prax & Lieutenant JG Jonathan Royce & Chief Warrant Officer Daniel Maddux & Lieutenant Commander Melissa Daniels M.D. & Captain Alexander Gunning

Mission: Ten Little Diplomats
Location: Mission Briefing Room - Jackal Docking Port
Timeline: MD03 - 1500


Gunning looked around the room at the staff he'd assembled in the room. He knew that the mission he'd be sending them on wasn't going to be easy or, for that matter, safe but he also knew the necessity of it. If they were going to get any closer to finding out who was behind these murders, they needed to bring in former Commander Tal'ven.

There was an old saying where he was from that 'what is fur ye will not go past ye' and he felt that way about the intelligence that had come into them from Starfleet. It said that they'd detected unusual activity around a Bellatrix IV's first moon- a popular trading station.

He stood and moved towards the wall panel with containing the mission briefing. "All right, everyone. You're here because we need to take the initiative in order to stop whoever is murdering the diplomats who are on this station. If we don't then we're going to be left carrying the can for this and I refuse to lose this station to anarchic idiots."

He began to download information into the assembled group's PADDs. "I have declassified your need to know information on the Broken Spears and will shortly pass you onto Mister Maddux who will be your eyes and ears on this mission. It's simple, you go in you take Tal'ven and you bring him back here. Alive. If you kill him, he's useless to us."

He walked around the table, answering the unanswerable question as he went. "Our informants lead us to believe that Tal'ven is somewhere in the trading outpost and have offered to try and tag him with a transporter tag. However, I have my doubts that things will be as easy as that so it might become necessary to snatch him by force. I trust that you will all be able to complete that order."

"You all know your roles," the Captain said before turning to Seion, "I need to keep the medical staff here as the number of medical emergencies and post mortem examinations to be carried out is ridiculous. Seion, I want you to go along as a medic. I know it's not your specialty but I'd appreciate your help. I'm sure Doctor Daniels can give you some quick tips before you leave, right Melissa?"

Melissa spoke, "It might be advisable to sedate Tal'ven when you find him, and bring him back here. He was somewhat of a third party when he was recruited. His cooperation is not guaranteed."

He wanted desperately to go with them, if only to get off this station and away from the inevitable next death. To step onto the bridge of the Jackal with a purpose instead of just watching his own back in case he was next would be a welcome change. "Are there any questions?"

The engineer leaned back in her chair, scanning the PaDD briefly before looking up at Gunning. So the rumours she'd been hearing were true. It wasn't that she was surprised particularly, most diplomats seemed to be self-serving idiots and she wasn't surprised that these particular ones had found an enemy but she was less than eager to participate in what seemed like a glorified fox-hunt. She was an engineer, not a bloody security officer and she could barely even remember how to fire a phaser. Why the hell had she been included here?

"Okay, you're dismissed. Be ready to launch in thirty minutes." The Captain ordered. "Commander Von, Lieutenant Allein, can I speak to you for a moment?"

"Of course, Captain," the Trill replied with a nod.

The Bajoran joined the security Chief at their Captain's side and immediately began to speak. "Sir, as serious as this is, I really don't understand why I've been included in this. Surely a less-" there was a second's pause as she avoided the word 'important' "-ranking engineer can do what little will be required."

"Mara, it's not that I don't trust Chief Bones with this operation but I need to make sure that you can get them out of there if it's some kind of trap. I need you to pass that on to him when you're down in that engine room, okay?"

The engineer nodded, her ego pacified enough to allow her to accept the decision without conflict. "Yes, sir."

"Okay, you're dismissed." He turned to his old friend and put his hand on her lower arm. "Listen, Liarra. My putting Dietrich in command for this mission is not a reflection on you. He needs you at tactical for this and I need to know that you're able and willing."

She looked back into her friend's eyes. "I understand, Alex. I'm still a little green when it comes to being in command anyway. I'm sure I'll get to prove myself eventually. Until then, I'll get the job done where I've always felt at home."

"I'm pleased to hear it, Liarra." He said before stepping towards the door. "You'll get your chance, don't worry."



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